That Day

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My life has been pretty normal, everyone around my age sees the world the same, nobody wears makeup, no one dresses fancy, it's all casual and normal, we all see the world as colorless. That usually changes for people though, once we turn 16 we go to a co-ed school until we graduate from University. They say the best years of your life are the younger years and that the world around you changes when you fall in love. I don't buy that one bit, but I will go to the school starting next semester, since today's my 16th birthday.

"Junhee, come here, we need you to choose."

On our 16th birthday we choose a card, our parents can see what colors they are but us young ones can't, we blindly choose what color we will wear until we see what color it is the rest of our lives. Some people never see it but forever wear it rather than eventually changing it or having a selection of colors they wear.

"But mom, this is dumb, I already know I won't ever see colors, you and dad were lucky, not everyone gets that lucky. I barely have any friends, how am I even going to talk to someone I might be interested in?"

"Just pick one honey, I know you don't care much for it, but it really will make a difference once you're older, it's also a signal for people to talk to you if you finally stop wearing all black and white."

I sigh and look at the table, there's 7 cards, ranging from really bright almost white grey to really dark almost black grey. I pick the darkest one because I always really like wearing dark colors.

"Oh my goodness..." my mother gasps. "Honey come here."

My father walks over and covers his mouth but not before I can see his smile.


"Junhee that was my color, it's the first color your father saw me wearing, you picked purple!"

Oh no, I'm just like my mother. That's my worst fear, I don't want to end up a gushy mess in my adult life, I just wanted to live a quiet calm life.

"Alright, get your shoes on."

"What, why?"

"We are going shopping, you need new clothes now, they'll be the same as your normal clothes and uniform but your every day clothes will be different shades of the color!"

Fantastic. Just what I wanted to spend my birthday doing. Instead of laying in bed reading I have to go clothes shopping. What's worse, it's an all-inclusive store we are going to, which means my mom is going to make me talk to... ick... boys.

As we pull into the parking spot outside the massive clothes store, there's a ton of newly 16-year-olds, older people, and parents, walking into the store. I sigh as I grab my black purse and pull my hair into a ponytail.

"Nuh uh. No ponytail today, keep your hair down."

"But whyyyyyy?"

"Because, you're beautiful and putting your hair up makes you look much younger than you are, you need to keep it down for us to be able to introduce you to people. Plus, I think I saw a group of cute guys your age walking in."

She smiles and winks at me, but I sigh and pull my arm down from my head and put the hair tie back into my bag. We get out and start walking to the store, and as we walk in we are greeted by a lady wearing her hair up. I look at my mom and raise my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side showing my annoyance. She shakes my look off with a nervous laugh and tells the lady today's my birthday, when she does the lady smiles and offers to help me out.

"Go with her honey, me and your father will be looking around for some extra things for you!"

I nod and just look at the ground following the lady.

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