The first Victim

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What awaited Earth, Luke and Jan at the house was unlike anything else, the police officers tasked with the case allowed the white sheet covering the late Owner's body to be removed. The owner's corpse would have been unrecognisable to Earth if he hadn't met the woman before. Whatever or whoever did this had only malicious intent in mind, Bruises of varying degree of colour scattered along the entire body, the shapes not alluding to anything that might have been used, her body wasn't lying in a normal position but rather it had become almost curved and twisted, her spine not in alignment, her skin looked to be barely hanging on, bits of flesh here and there visible. Her face Earth noticed had such a horrifying expression on it, Eyes stretched almost out of their sockets, capillaries torn making the eyes look red, her jaw depressed and hanging out revealing cuts on the tongue still freshly bleeding. You couldn't look at the body too long without feeling unsteady.

Jan sighed" Whoever did this, it was clearly a warning, this spirit harbours ill intent and malice capable of thought, giving out warnings and capable of retaliation. It is telling us look what I can do, what I am capable of, this will be your fate too"
This spirit was teasing them at this point, Earth felt powerless, he made to dust himself off and walked again towards the house's entrance and porch, ignoring Jan's pleas that this is what the spirit wants. Eyes fuming and gait steady, Earth marches on
Pain. That's the first thing Earth feels, excruciating pain throughout his entire body unlike anything he ever experienced, tendons pulled taut, joints twisting and cracking pulling him to the ground clutching at his heart willing it to stop beating so fast. A sob breaks out of Earth against his will trying to calm himself down, and the most frustrating part is That Earth still can't see anything, still can't feel any presence. He feels Jan and Luke rushing to help him, but he can't hear them, it sounds muffled to him now, his eyes are tearing up, he feels something trickling from his nose...oh its blood and then it all turns black

First thing that hits Earth is the massive headache he has, feeling like he just got hit by a bus, next thing he notices is that his eyes are still closed, slowly opening them with great energy to finally start seeing again. Neo's face comes into view always sporting that mischievous grin, just the right person to wake up to when having the biggest headache of your life and after being tossed like a ragdoll.

"You know that I don't even need to tell you what you did was stupid, but I'm telling you anyways, that was one of the most stupid ideas you ever had Pirapat!!!"

"Spare me the lecture I know" Earth sits up a bit now realising he's in Neo's apartment, rubbing his temples hoping it helps the pain "Neo, I'm lost I don't know what to do, we can't leave this, someone else might die"

"We can't do anything if the spirit doesn't show itself, we can't get rid of it like this, we have nothing to tether it to and destroy it, we need its physical manifestation to present itself", Neo smiles sadly up at Earth, "You know what we need, there isn't any other option Earth"

Earth sighs "We need Mix".

Three days later and Earth is once again face to face with Mix's door, The symbol just next to it looks to be freshly redone, paint glistening and looking fresh. Here we go Earth thought, knocking three times like Jan did the last time. It took longer this time, but the sounds of the multiple locks appeared. Earth didn't think it was even possible to open the door even less than the last time but somehow Mix managed.

"What are you doing here?" Mix cut his words harshly already prepared to close the door, Earth was quicker holding it with his left hand pushing against Mix's body, they were the perfect height Earth thought, him being a bit taller able to look directly into Mix's eyes by tilting his head down, Mix's lower lip quivered, lifting his chin up not willing to back down.
Time stopped.
Please Earth whispered never once breaking eye contact with Mix's intense gaze, please he uttered again this time moving Mix's body even farther until he was almost one foot inside. Something about Earth's voice and eyes broke Mix's resolve, steps faltering finally weakening his grip on the door until his arms fell limply to the side. Ok he whispered back, afraid to break the stillness that enveloped them, His amulet was vibrating, burning the skin touching Mix's neck, settling down after Mix turns his back on Earth unable to withstand any longer without showing physical pain.

"What happened Earth?", Mix asked gently his back still to Earth, something bad must have happened, the man standing here wasn't the same man he first met, what was it three to four days ago. Earth looked Scared nothing alike the steady calm presence he got acquainted with.

"Mix... I don't know who else to turn too, I can't feel it, I can't tell what it is, It doesn't want to see me"

"So can't you leave just leave it alone, ignore it, its in the house it can't get out"

" butchered the owner to pieces, it hurt me too and I couldn't even feel it coming, who knows what it wants to do next"

At this Mix turned around looking at Earth once again, he looks tired, still handsome but something has taken a toll on him, its wrong to see him in that state.

Earth takes on steps cautiously closer and closer to Mix, one foot in front of the other nearing his presence but not touching. Their gazes lock once more, those eyes endless and filled with so many things Earth doesn't understand but they intrigue him, everything about Mix does. His arm unconsciously goes up to touch Mix's face stopping himself at the last moment, "Mix I'm begging you"


Earth was ready to go on his knees thinking he didn't hear right, involuntarily smiling and about to reach out to Mix

"On one condition" Mix says, breaking the tension holding all the power at this moment, having the ability to break Earth or put him back together, "I haven't been a beacon since I was a child, I need to practise before doing something big like this"

Earth smirks "Well Mix, let's go on a ghost hunt"

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