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Hello, dear readers. Welcome to 'Dangerous Fate.'

I would first like to say that this is my first book. So don't be too harsh and give me some time to improve. It's something new to me and I'm just getting started. If you decide to hate on me or my work and be a bitch, then I will not hesitate to run my mouth and cuss  your existence. I'm a nice person though, I promise.

Secondly, copyright is a legal means of protecting an author's work. It is a  type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to copy, distribute, adapt, display, and perform creative work. It gives usage rights to the author. Therefore any content, I, as an author, have created and published cannot be used or published by anyone else without the proper consent of the author.

Please take into consideration that I have legal rights against this and any other book I publish in the future. So please do not copy. If you want to take inspiration from this, by all means, you are welcome but please change the names and the storyline of events and DM me on Instagram to let me know.

I am not stupid, I will find out if you have plagiarized from my book and report it to be taken down. It is disrespectful copying someone's hard work especially if you work your ass off, staying up all day and night to create something enjoyable for people to engage in. My fellow authors will understand.

All rights are reserved.

Any books, quotes, authors, or films I may take inspiration from will be credited. If I have missed any credits, please do let me know, and do not take it to heart. I do apologize in advance.

This is a work of fiction. The names, places, characters, and events that take place are a product of my imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, or events is just coincidental.

To emphasise the characters and plot of this story, it is a dark romance which means the story will necessitate themes such as violence, assault, explicit sex, and strong language. My characters are flawed and hypocrites, they possess unlikeable characteristics and villainous qualities. If you do not like that or cannot handle that, respectfully stop reading this book and desist from commenting on negative things.

This book does not shy away from the following:

Trigger warnings, as there are subjects such as abuse, eating disorders, fat shaming, sexual assault, rape, and killing. This is the first and final trigger warning, so read carefully.

Anti-hero and villain female protagonist. The same goes for the male lead and the antagonist.

Explicit sex. This is an adult book with some smut in there. There is sexual content that includes CNC, BDSM, fetishes, and different kinks such as degradation, praise kinks, and the use of sex toys. All sexual acts in this story are consensual along with their dominant/submissive nature unless I put a little author's note before the scene occurs to let you guys know. Please skip the scenes if you feel uncomfortable or get triggered.

So I hope those who are reading are 18+, if not then I can't do much but tell you to not read it. But please do remember to ask for consent and have safe sex. It feels weird telling the under 18's off considering I was 15/16 hiding under my duvet reading smut.

Furthermore, there will be mentions of the following religions, Christianity and Islam. Be mindful. If you don't agree with their beliefs, fair enough, people believe different things. But don't be ignorant and stereotypical. Have some common courtesy and respect for other people. If I am wrong about any of the following or verses of the religions, please DM me and correct me with the right knowledge or advise me to change it into something else.

This is a slow-burn Mafia romance book so don't get annoyed if there's no smut until later on and if the female lead isn't displaying emotions or falling for the guy fast enough. It's supposed to be realistic and less cliché.

I want tension, climaxes, and turning points. Trust me guys, it'll slowly get warmed up. That's the thrill of true enemies-to-lovers tropes. I mean who wants a girl who falls in love with a guy in three days or a month? Like I know it takes me twenty-four hours to get attached to a guy but still...

Moreover, English is my first language which is surprising considering how I manage to fuck up every iMessage I send on my phone. I do use Grammarly to spell check and Microsoft Word dictation to read my work out but if I do make any mistakes, please take no notice. I will edit the story later on when I have completed it.

If you do want to make TikToks or edits for my book, please give me credit. Feel free to DM me any questions about the book and any edits for the book covers or aesthetic mood boards for any of the characters. I would love to see your perspective. My TikTok and Instagram is @TheProdigyWriterr.

Lastly, I'll update you whenever I can as I don't have a schedule. I don't want to promise you guys that I update on Tuesdays or Thursdays, etc., when I know I can't keep up with that. I know it's frustrating for you guys but please be patient. I don't do it on purpose and know how it feels when you're reading a good ass book and the author takes their time to update.

I do try to pre-write the chapters before publishing as it is easier but I doubt I'll stick to it considering I'm unorganised as hell.

Thank you. 

Kisses and hugs!

K. Rose.

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