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Dave Strider knocked on the classroom door. It was the art room, but for 45 minutes during lunch, and after school on Wednesday it was the SBURB clubs room.
Dave normally wasn't into this sorta thing. Sure, in 6th grade he had been in his friend John's DnD game, and sometimes RPed with his friend Jade in Animal Jam, but those were totally ironic.

He was only trying out SBURB because his sister Rose asked him too.
Plus, he had to admit he was a bit curious about the odd group of kids. The club was pretty self-contained. Mostly stuck to themselves, with a few minor exceptions.
The girl who opened the door was very tall. She was wearing a jade green hijab and a long gothic dress. He had history with her, and she was quiet but when she did talk she spoke very precisely and properly.

"Hey Kamilya," Dave said

"Hello Dave," She opened the door, and Dave went inside.

The members of the SBURB club were all sitting around the largest table in the room. They were all looking at him.

He sat down in between Rose and John.

A girl Dave knew vaguely stood up. She was considered the Weird Kid. She sometimes spoke in third person and always wore cat ears.

"Okay! So we should all go around and introduce ourselves! I'll go furrst! I'm Narjeel Leijon, I use she/her pronouns or any cat themed neos! I'm the president of the SBURB club, and my character's name is Nepeta!" Narjeel smiled. She looked to the boy on purrs left.

He stood up next. He was weirdly buff for an 8th grader, he had dark skin and shoulder length black hair. He was missing a few teeth and was sweating. "Hello, I'm Ezekiel Zahhak, I use he/him I guess, and my character's name is Equius," Ezekiel sat back down.

Next was a taller girl with long blonde hair. He knew from John that her name was Victoria, and John had a huge crush on her. "Hello, my name is Victoria Serkat, I use she/her pronouns, and my character's name is Vriska. I'm Vice President,"

After Victoria a redheaded girl stood up. Dave didn't know her name, but he knew she was blind and once bit a kid who was making fun of her. "Hiya! I'm Theresa Pyrope! I use she/it and some neos! My character is named Terezi, 'nd I'm the other Vice Prez!"

After Theresa sat back down John stood up. "Hi Dave, my characters name is June,"

Jade and Rose both named their characters the same thing as them, then Kamilya stood up. "Hi, my name is Kamilya Maryam, I use she/vamp pronouns, and my characters name is Kanaya,"

A boy with a short mohawk in a wheelchair raised his hand next. "I...uh...I can't stand up for obvious reasons," He motioned to his chair "But....uh.... My name is Travis Nitram, I use he/him, and my character-my character's name is Tavros,"

Next was a short goth girl. She had wild black hair down to her butt, and brown eyes that looked almost red. "Hello, I'm Adriana Megido, I use she/it/ghostself pronouns and my character's name is Aradia," Adriana sat back down. It nudged the boy next to ghost who stood up reluctantly.

He was tall with sandy hair. He was wearing 3-d glasses, with one lens blue and the other red. "Hi, I'm Alexander Captor. I use he/him, and my character's name is Sollux,"

A rotund girl with long dark brown hair and many multicolored bangles on her wrists bounced up. "Hi! I'm February Piexes! I use she/shell! My character's name is Feferi!!"

She poked the boy sitting next to her. He had black hair with a purple streak, but Dave could see blonde roots peeking through. He was wearing a scarf, despite it being 70 degrees outside. "I'm Erikson Ampora, he/they, and my character is Eridan,"

There were only two kids left. One was a kid named Giovanni who Dave had art with. Giovanni stood up, he was the tallest of the whole group, he must've been 6'4 of so. Vriska and Jade were the only other two to have also crossed the 6' threshold. Dave only remembered Giovanni because of the full face of Juggalo face paint he wore everyday without fail. "Hey, I'm Giovanni Makara, I use he/honk/itself pronouns, n my character is named Gamzee," He grinned a trademark stoner grin.

The last boy stayed seated. He was glaring at Giovanni. "Kayden, your turn," honk reminded, seemingly unaware of the hatred filled glare that was directed at him.

The boy, Kayden, stood up. He was wearing red plaid PJ pants and a huge gray turtleneck. Dave didn't know how Kayden wasn't dying of heatstroke in that. "I'm Kayden Vantas. Imma he/it. My character is Karakat,"

Narjeel clapped paws hands "So! That's introductions!! Dave, your turn,"

Dave stood up and rubbed the back of his neck "I'm Dave Strider, he/him pronouns please, and uhh....I don't really know what SBURB is...."

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