A Bit Later

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After about 15 minutes of all members trying to explain SBURB at once they finally got to Dave creating his character.

"Soo..I can either be a troll or a human?"

"Nope! You hafta be a human, because the first 12 players are Trolls, then the next 4 are humans, etc etc!" Theresa explained

Over the next week Dave noticed all the other kids' weird little quirks and habits. Adriana would get excited about dead animals she found on the side of the roads. Ghost would come into school with earrings made of bones.

Travis was an avid Pokemon Go player, and liked to pull wheelies when going fast down the empty halls.

Alex seemed very protective of Adriana, and likes playing bad mobile games on his phone.

Kayden is very loud and angry, but cares about his friends a lot. Dave also thinks that Kayden is adorable, but he's not going to let him know that.

Narjeel only ever called people by their in-game names, and stuck very close to Ezekial. Originally Dave had assumed they were dating, but they were quick to set him straight on that assumption.

Victoria was almost as into the game as Narjeel was, Erikson and Theresa were also very into it.

Kamilya was very much the Mom Friend, she also clearly had a huge crush on Rose.

Giovanni consistently came to school high, and always had a two liter of Faygo.

February and Narjeel loved puns, using fish and cat puns respectively.

Dave had become friends with all of the other kids. Of course he was closest to John and Rose and Jade still. But Theresa quickly became a good friend of his, and he loved to bug Giovanni. Giovanni and Dave also had the sickest of hate-fuelled rap battles.

"Dave!!" Narjeel skipped up to him that lunch period "How're youuuuu?"

Dave looked up from his phone "I'm fine, what's up?"

The catgirl pushed one of her blonde braids behind her ear (her human one, not one of the cat ones mew wears) "Nothing much!"

Just then Kayden walked by with his tray and a book under his arm.

"Karkat!! Karkat!!" Narjeel waved him over.

Kayden sat next to paw. "Where's your moirail?"

"Oh, he's at the robotics club right now, some highschooler is talking to them today. Apparently he won an award for something or other! His name was Derk I think?"

This caught Dave's attention "Dirk?"


"He's my cousin,"

"Oh wow! Really?" Dave nodded "That's pawsome!"

Kayden rolled his eyes at the pun.

Narjeel leaned forward, over the table "Sooooooo! Do you wanna come over to my house this weekend? I'm inviting the whole club to a slumber party!"

"Oh cool, my Bro'll probably let me go,"

"I'll see if I can come,"

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