Sleepover Part 3

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The sweaty boy became sweatier "Yes?"

"Truth or Dare?"

He gulped "Truth,"

Nepeta grinned "Who do you have a crush onnnn?"

"I don't think I want to tell you that."


"Becuase I don't want them to know."

"I wont tell them!"

The other kids nodded in agreement

"I know, just pick a different question,"

Nepeta deflated "Fine. Are they here?"


Nepeta grinned "Is it Aradiaaaaaa?"

Sollux scooted a bit closer to Aradia.

Equius flushed "No, she has made it very clear she's not interested."

"Who. Is. It?"

"Not. Right. Now." Equius wiped his brow "Uh...Dave?"


"Truth or dare?"


"Uh, okay. Uhm. Which of your parents is your favorite?"

Dave saw his friends wince. "My Bro, of course."

"No, I mean your Mother or Father?"

"Don't have either, so my Bro."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know,"

Dave waved it off. "No worries, man," He turned to his sister "Rose?"

"Yes, Dave?"

"What's your Ao3 username?"

"Agh!" Rose flushed and fell back against Kanaya "Dave Elizabeth Strider-"

Karkat sat up "Wait! Dave? Your middle name is Elizabeth??"

Dave rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly " Bro thought it would be funny.."

"Dave Elizabeth Strider, you better not make fun of me!!"

Dave put up his hands in fake surrender "I won't, I won't, don't get your panties in a twist,"

"Fine. It's Tentacles_Writes."

Rose glowered at him as he typed it into the search bar. "Let's see here. Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, Inheritance, Wizards- wait how is just "wizards" a fanfic???"

Rose covered her face. "Who else has an Ao3?"

Nepeta, and Jade raised their hands. So did Tavros and Karkat, if much more reluctantly.

Dave knew Jade just wrote Furry OC stories, so didn't bother to look hers up.

"Nepeta! What's yours?


"So we have....lot of Warrior Cats fics. And My Little Pony. Thats expected. And...Homestuck? What's this?"

"Its a story version of our SBURB game!"

"Oh that's actually kinda sick,"

"Thank you!"


Tavros seemed to cower "Y-yeah?"

"What's yours?"

"U-uh.. TavDoesntKnow,"

"Oh my gog," Dave giggled

Tavros groaned "What is it?" Gamzee asked

"He's only wrote one thing, anyone wanna guess what it is?"

"Something with Pokemon?" Feferi quessed

"Good guess but no! Its a Tinkerbelle x Fairy Reader one shot!"

The noise that Vriska made could only be described as a cackle.


"Don't make fun of me," The shorter boy glared

"I won't. Promise,"

"Fine. Mine is carcinoGeneticist,"

"Great," Dave typed in the name, and pulled up the profile "Let's see....we have a bunch of romantic oneshots, huh. Destiel, Johnlock, TATBILB, Dirty Dancing, Grease, Johnny x Dally,"

Rose cleared her throat "I believe it's my turn? Kanaya?"

"Yes, Rose?"

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" The blonde asked shyly

Kanaya flushed "Yes."


Everyone in the room seemed to be holding their breath, Dave would be surprised if anyone (besides Rose and Kanaya, of course) didn't know that the two girls were clearly head-over-heels for each other.

"," Kanaya said quietly.

Rose flushed. Kanaya looked like vamp was about to cry. Rose bit her lip "I like you too, Kanaya,"



"Rose, will you be my girlfriend?"


The two girls beamed at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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