Who are we

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Just when all hope is lost, Just when the situation looks grim, Just then is when we are at our strongest wherever it may be whether in the residencials of California to the deserts Morroco, We are ready to respond swift and precise not leaving room for error nor for response the fight will end as quick as it had begun

This team built from elite war fighters from around the world specifically chosen for their unique skillsets is meant to prevent and respond to a vast array of situations and threats posed to the livelhood and peace of this planet will be dealt with accordingly for the safety and security of those we protect, We are the Eyes in the sky, We are the ones who terrorize the terrorizers, We are


I know i said i would rewrite the story but honestly i have no motivation to continue writing when it comes I'll try to update the story which i deleted the original intro which was good soooo that kinda fucked my motivation a bit since it took forever to write that but enjoy what is out for now thxsss- Chris

(Test Story) Flash-Thunder (Ela x Male reader) Rainbow Six Siege Where stories live. Discover now