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Yes, Yes I am

A few Months later after dealing with all the paperwork necessary I was offered a job as a engineer even though most of the operators know how to build and repair their own gadgets I'm mostly an assistant to them in the workshop, I've also made friends with some of the operators Like Emmanuelle, Eliza and Gustave especially him never want to cross the doctor right?

One time I was messing around with Emma's drone electrocuted myself but he fixed me up though it's not all sunshine and rainbows no pun intended, Some of them still don't trust me cuz you know the mask background but hey can't please everyone but Taina or Caviera seems to have a real problem with me, She was the one at my interrogation too....great.

I got myself a pretty decent room it has a small kitchen and even my own bathroom also got a pretty sweet TV everything else I had to go out and buy my pay is decent as well considering I don't go out to fight, I'm mostly used for information about the masks like the safe phrase we use to tell from friend or foe and where to find caches of information at the bases.

Hearing my alarm go off I get up groggily from my bed and head of to the bathroom, Brushing my teeth and having a shower I step into the kitchen to make some eggs and toast as I check my watch I see I'm making good time only 7:20 I need to be at the workshop at around 8:30, As I finish eating my breakfast I decide to head down a bit earlier than I had to since I had a little side project that I wanted done so as I arrive to kill time I get started, The plan is to make suit of armor to be better protected but to also make it lightweight.

After a few minutes the first few operators come in they are regulars so it's no surprise I see Emma,Monika, Marius and Masaru all quickly getting to work on their gadgets I go around asking to see if they need help, Walking up to Emma I ask

Y/n: "Yo Emma you working on your drone?"

Emma: "Nah I'm just sweating in here for fun."

Y/n: "Ok ok point taken, So you need any help?"

Emma: "Nah I'm good I finally figured out what I need to do to make it jump so I'm just adding that."

Y/n: "Alright sweet also finally you always talk about how it's a masterpiece but it can't even jump."

Emma: "Hehe Yeah yeah fuck you too."

Walking away I looked towards Masaru and starting making my way over until She walked in now you may be asking Y/n "who the fuck is she" Well I'll tell you "She" is Ela Bosak younger sister of the Bosak duo and Polish Bombshell, Now for the limited amount of time I've been here she was always such a mystery never really showing any aggression nor friendliness just kind of neutral so over the days I've gotten curious to see how she's like and the more I've noticed her the more I end up checking her out so I've grown a little crush on her.

Quickly walking away towards my workstation as she goes to talk to Masaru, I get back to work taking small glances at her trying to keep it subtle this goes on for a while until Monika comes up to me and asks me to assist her on her Scanner which of course I obliged.

A couple hours later and we finished on the scanner and actually made progress to increase the range it finds electronics, As I exit I check the time to see it's 3:00pm which makes me realize how long we have been working deciding to head back to my room and get in the shower I start on my way spacing out while I walked, After a while I see my door as I turn the handle I see it's unlocked

Y/n: "Weird I always lock my door when I leave"

And as I walk inside an concussive sort of explosion went off, I hold my head in pain as my vision blurs and a massive headache creeps in but as the realization hits me that someone else is infront of me holding their head as well I panic.

As the figure turns towards me she speaks.

Ela: "What the fuck are you doing in my room!?"

Standing there was Ela in her iconic yoga pants and a sports bra looking mad as fuck.

Wait her room? As I look around I notice several paintings and a way bigger room than I'm used to.......shit

Y/n: "I know this sounds stupid but I thought this was my room so I walked in."

She seems ticked off clearly not believing me

Ela: "Yeah I'm sure you did get the fuck out before I show you what these mines do in bulk!"

Quickly exiting the room I speed walked my way to my actual room and step inside thinking to my self about what just happened

*Thoughts* "Fuuuuuuck There go the chances of having any friendly interaction with her anytime soon and that's hoping she doesn't report me for that."

With a sigh I jump in the shower and get ready to go to the cafeteria all the work has got me an appetite and I know exactly what I want for a pick me up.

As I get dressed and walk back out of my room I start making my way towards the Cafe, Stepping in line I finally get to eat my meal consisting of
Sweet potato,fried cheese and a chocolate pudding to satisfy my sweet tooth, I look around the room and find my friends and decide to sit with them

Y/n: "Hey guys what's up?"

Emma: "Nothing but a little birdie told me she found you in her dorm today."

Y/n: "Fuck sake it was an accident I spaced out while heading to mine and walked into hers by mistake."

Monika: "Yes by mistake I'm sure, You just wanted a peek at her I'm sure."she said teasingly

Y/n: "NO I didn't I got lost for real I swear!"

Monika: "Calm down I'm messing with you but we all know you like her it's so obvious."

Emma: "Yeah don't even try to deny it we see the little glances you take at her and how nervous you get, Hell just today you basically can make a movie with the amount of times you looked at her."

Y/n: "You act like teenage girls and I hate it."

Monika: "I'm sure you do but speak of the devil and she shall appear look who got here." She said then pointed towards the entrance.where Ela came walking through the doors, she got her food scanned around the room before we made eye contact I looked away unable to see her expression.

As I finish my food with a sigh I get up and leave the cafeteria heading towards my room as it's 8pm and making sure to pay attention this time around, I finally make it to my dorm after a decently long day deciding to watch something,

Hoping to redeem my chances with Ela I shoot a text to Emma asking her about what she likes

In text

Y/n: " Hey Emma do you happen to know what Ela likes? I know your close with her and all"

Emma: " I do, Why do you want to know trying to woo her?"

Y/n: "No I just wanted to apologize for what happened in her room... Ok maybe a little but I really do want to apologize."

Emma: "Ok sure hmm I'm pretty sure she loves painting stuff you probably so that in her room huh but yeah buy her maybe more supplies she always talks about running out."

Y/n: "Really ok Thanks so much Em I appreciate it."

Emma: " Yeah no problem let me know how it goes y'know I love juicy stuff."

Y/n: "Yeah of course thanks again I'll see you later."

Turning off my phone I get ready for bed and lay down thinking about where to buy the stuff for Ela before succumbing to sleep and drifting off.

So yes I added a love interest so there is something to tie this story together that will be a main point in my story and possible next stories anyway hope you enjoy the chapter --- Chris

Ps. 1414 Words

(Test Story) Flash-Thunder (Ela x Male reader) Rainbow Six Siege Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora