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As I woke up and it's my day off, My day began I felt a renewed sense of dedication finishing my routine and heading out of the door i head towards the garage and to my car getting ready to buy Ela's stuff, As i finally reach the garage I see my car a Dodge Challenger hellcat

I check my wallet to make sure I'm carrying enough cash for all the stuff I'm about to buy and all of a sudden I'm happy about the salary i have money is not a problem anymore.

Getting in and exiting the base I drive to a local supply store and go find the arts and crafts aisle as I pull out my phone and check the list Emma sent me i see

Paintbrushes from all sizes
Paint of all colors


Color pencils

A SketchBook

And..... A Bag of Kisses?

In Text

Y/n: "Emma why is there a bag of chocolate on this list?"

Emma: "Your just now seeing that? Everyone knows that you like Ela so I'm just being a good friend and helping a little."

Y/n: "Your so annoying does she even like chocolate?"

Emma: "She loves the stuff likes to eat it while she draws so stop being a pussy and just buy it."

Y/n: "You Forget there is a no relationship policy in our work?"

Emma: "Then don't get caught anyway stop texting me and go buy the stuff dumbass."

Putting my phone away i grab the things I need and head to checkout i know i said money isn't a problem but 64.95£ is a robbery i guess i can see why she runs out a lot this shit is an expensive hobby, Driving back I look at the bag of overpriced items and give one last sigh as I park up in the garage and begin my march towards my room.

I wait until 6pm and leave my dorm heading towards Ela's a few moments later I'm standing Infront of her working up the courage then I knocked, After hearing a "Coming!" From the other side the door opens revealing Ela's short Stature She looks up at my with a bit of annoyance then she speaks up.

Ela: "What do you want?" Annoyance clear in her voice

Y/n: "Well I wanted to say sorry for walking into your room the other day so I made a trip an bought you this"

I give her the bag full of supplies and she inspects them before speaking

Ela: "So you bought me art supplies and kisses?"

Y/n: "Well i heard that you liked chocolate so i bought some of that too and i saw the paintings around your room."

Ela: "może nie jesteś kompletnym dziwakiem."

Y/n: "what?"

Ela: "nothing, Yeah okay fine i accept the apology but I'm still watching you who knows what other stuff you plan on doing."

I simply smile and walk away wanting to get away from there right now, After hearing her door close i rush to my room almost bumping into Craig on the way

Craig: "Watch where your going, Why are you even going so fast?"

Y/n: "Sorry, I'll tell you later but i need to get back to my dorm."

Not allowing him to respond i continue on my way until i finally reach it, I think about the conversation God that was so awkward, Pulling out my phone and texting Emma about it

(Test Story) Flash-Thunder (Ela x Male reader) Rainbow Six Siege Where stories live. Discover now