Chapter 13

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Well shit. This was not good. She and her husband had been fucking like rabbits throughout the whole weekend. What happened? She was supposed to hate the bastard! Their boys had to leave the house they were so grossed out. This was not good at all. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with him. She was supposed to leave him and fall in love with me. And Will and his texts. He wouldn't leave Bea alone. I almost clicked the block caller button for her. He was worried too. And she kept sending him vague texts. And on top of all that she was a part of the audit – with Will - which meant no girls' trip to Vegas, and they'd be alone together way too much. I'd have to figure out how to get her alone. I needed to talk to her soon before I lost my chance. Fuck! This couldn't go to shit. I had been planning...waiting for Bea for a long time and no change in her sex life was going to change that. I didn't care if things were going great between her and her husband. She was mine.

How was I going to get her alone? This sucked. And why was Will so clingy? I couldn't follow them when they left Friday afternoon. I thought they were just going to lunch and come back but then I found out from Lockhart they were done for the day. Shit. Did he try to kiss her? Did she let him? What else did they do? I wished I'd followed them.

I was going to have to change my plans and get to her sooner. She was going to freak out. I wanted to get her into seeing me slowly. You know, drop a hint that I was around, make her think of me -good thoughts of course. I had been in preparation mode for so long but going forward I'd have to do it from the hip. I really had no plan.

I arrived at their office early Monday morning to check security in the project areas. I wanted to make sure I could see all the departments and the groups working on the dummy cases as well as making sure the exits, and entrances were covered. I'd finished my rounds through the building and ended up in the hall on the fifth floor. Luck must have been on my side because I heard footsteps, light female footsteps coming down the hall. It was her. She was early so I would have a few minutes alone with her. Hopefully he won't get here until 7. Even if he did get here early, I could have my guard stall him for a little while.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice spoke, my back to her. "My name is Beatrice and I'm supposed to check in with you and work in this room? I know I'm early. Should I come back later or just wait out here?"

I cleared my throat. "No." I said, "I'm just getting here myself. I believe the log is inside. We can go in there and I'll check you in."

I unlocked the door and stepped back so I stood more in the shadow. She still didn't notice me.

Her phone went off and she looked at it while she walked past me. That's good...and bad.  She remembered protocol and came back out to put her personal belongings in a locker, only keeping her water bottle.  I locked it up and left her key on the small table in front of the entrance to the conference room so she wouldn't see me.

"Will is coming soon," she said to me as we walked back into the room. "He just let me know he'll be late. Can we go in separately or do we have to go in at the same time?"

Shit, this was great!

"Separately is fine." She still wasn't looking at me. "One of us will be outside the door while either of you is in the office."

"Okay good. Thanks." She smiled.

"You can get started with whatever you were planning." I turned away from her. I was nervous and I'm never nervous. Here I was finally in a room with my Bea.

"Thanks!" She looked over at me. "Did you find your log in?"

"Right. Hold on Bea." I slipped. Shit. I'm a professional. How did I slip? I turned to look at her and she was staring at me. Her eyes wide. She was shaking as she walked towards me.

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