Chapter 14

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Holy Shit! What just happened? I had to stay calm, and I couldn't show that I was in panic mode. And I was stuck in this room with Will. How am I going to explain Lysander to him? Should he even get an explanation? And how am I going to explain the sudden change in Arven to Will? I don't even know what to say. On Friday I gave him hope by kissing him back even though I told him I wasn't going to be the other woman. I shouldn't have done that. He knew what I was going to say so he wanted to wait to talk about it. He must know that going any further wasn't going to happen. How could he think I would change my mind after one weekend?

What was going on? Nothing for years and suddenly there are 3 guys after me? This has never ever happened to me. EVER! First Will says he likes me and turns into a jealous lover over the weekend, and we haven't even become lovers and he was trying to claim me as his property. Then Arven goes all crazy and keeps me practically naked all weekend (which honestly it was amazing but completely out of character for him and I loved every moment of it – and that made me even more confused) and he couldn't keep his hands, or his lips off me. And then Lysander just showing up and acting like I was his and I've always been his and he's back to reclaim me. What the fuck?

I am officially panicking.

I kept looking at the boxes of bank statements trying to find the first year to start the process. There were so many boxes. I was trying so hard to stay focused.

"The credit cards are categorized by each card number on the accounts, right?" I asked Will.

"Yes." He was looking through the first set of credit card statements. "Hope we'll be so lucky with the bank statements."

We looked at each other knowingly then I quickly went back to the box I was looking through to stop our eye contact.

"So, Lysander?" Here it comes. What is he going to ask first?


"Who the fuck is he Trixie?"


"He's um..." Who was he to me?

"Don't tell me 'He's no one', or 'just an old friend'. He's more than that. And what's he doing here? Is he part of the security team?"

"If you know who he is then why don't you just tell me what you want me to say, and this will go a whole lot smoother. And yes; he is a part of the security team." I snapped. I didn't like this cranky, possessive side of Will and until that moment, I just never really noticed how much I disliked it. My answer was nothing like I thought it would be. I didn't think I had that kind of sass in me! I decided to keep with it and not back down.

"Your ex has really moved up in the world. He's a security guard? You're going to subject yourself to that loser? He probably doesn't even own a car. And don't tell me you don't like him anymore because you could barely even talk while he was in here and you kept blushing and looking away." He was angry. I don't even think he knew how angry he was. "Who does he think he is coming in here all macho acting like he runs the place? He doesn't even know you Trixie. Not like I do. Is he the reason you haven't texted me much this weekend?"

"Actually, I own the security company, and I own several cars." His deep voice filled the room. I couldn't think when I heard that voice. I had forgotten how much I loved his voice. It was so strong. How did he get in so quietly? "And don't talk to Bea like that. She doesn't deserve you acting like such a condescending prick. Do I need to separate you two on your first day?" He smirked.

I thought it was funny too. Will did not. He growled and stormed out of the room. Maybe he needed a minute.

"I was afraid you were going to come over and kiss me in front of him just to piss him off." I joked. Did I just say that out loud?

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