Chapter 23

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As I pulled up to get Beatrice that evening there was a man standing next to her. He was tall and had a strong build. Like a body builder. I guessed he was one of the security guards who'd offered to wait with her until I came. She should have waited inside for me. Hopefully he wasn't hitting on her. Come to think of it, he was too well dressed to be a security guard. Even though Beatrice found herself to be plain and 'unnoticeable', she was quite beautiful and graceful. Whenever we were out together, I would notice other men checking her out. I wondered if she noticed them. I'd get jealous at the thought that she might enjoy their stares more than mine. When we were dating, I would just admire her and make her blush. I loved watching her walk, cook, laugh, watch TV...I loved watching her.

As I said, there was this man with her. He was leaning into her and when she noticed me coming, she took a step back from him. They were talking and looked a little too familiar with each other.

I rolled down the window.

"Hey baby. How was work?"

"Good. Arven, could you come out for a second? I want you to meet someone." She was nervously playing with her fingers.

I parked the car and got out. She held her hand out to me as I approached, and I gladly took it.

"Arven, I want you to meet Lysander." She spoke calmly but sounded a little apprehensive. It was amazing how I could hear and see her emotions now. She had kept them away from me for so long.

I know that name.

I nodded and shook his hand. I was firm but not too firm. I figured I was holding her hand, so I didn't have to assert myself. Ugh. Stop. We're not cavemen.

"Nice to meet you." He said it in a falsely pleasant tone. He wasn't happy to meet me. It wasn't nice.

"You must work for the security company. Thank you for waiting with Beatrice."

"I'm happy to wait with her, anytime." He looked at her, his face hiding his real thoughts.

Wait a second. Lysander. Oh. Lysander. I remember now. Fuck! Lysander. What the hell is he doing here? But she's holding my hand. I looked down at our hands. She must have noticed because she gripped my hand a little harder. I smiled. I tried not to smile too widely. No one will ever understand the joy I felt in that moment. She was holding my hand instead of his.

To be honest. I had pictured this moment a million times. I knew that if he showed up, there was a high possibility that she would leave me. Especially if our marriage had remained as awful as it was. Will was nothing compared to Lysander, and I felt a sort of awe about him and the power he had over Beatrice. I admired and feared him for the place he held in her heart. She hadn't told me much but based on the stories she did tell me about their early relationship, I dreaded that the love she had for me would never compare to the love she had for him. But in that moment, there she was. Holding MY hand in front of him and even though this was true, looking at him, I felt intimidated. He was much bigger than I thought he would be. If we had to have a physical fight I would definitely lose.  He had at least four inches in height above me.

I gulped as I took in his size. They had been talking this whole time together, but I had no idea what they were saying. Or were they silent. Was this just a really long uncomfortable silence?

I noticed Beatrice watching me. She looked worried. SHE LOOKED WORRIED. I could tell! She bit her lower lip.

I smiled warmly towards her and brought her hand up to my lips for a kiss. She looked at Lysander uncomfortably. This was awkward.

"Lysander." I said knowingly.

He smiled and nodded in understanding. I wondered how long he had been around and why Bea hadn't told me until now. Then again, I was holding her hand so the details at this point didn't matter.

I noticed that Will was nowhere to be seen. Was he all over? I realized that her phone hadn't gone off as much as it used to. Will was out of the picture and Lysander, my biggest contender, ended up not being a contender after all! I scoffed to myself. Of course, there will be next week.

"We should get home to the boys."

She nodded and looked up at Lysander. He also gave her a nod and smiled. She got into the car. She was mine! She'd chosen me. I looked at Lysander as well and helped Beatrice into the car.

"Arven." He said to me after I shut Beatrice's door.


"I honestly thought..." He shook his head, took a few seconds then said, "Take care of her. She is precious."

I nodded to him and walked over to the driver's side.

I remember as we drove away, I watched him getting smaller in my rear-view mirror. He was her past, but I will always be her present.

She chose me.

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