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Crowded is the first thing that goes through Mix's mind as he makes his way through the street market. Various stalls are present on each side, each different from the other, some selling fruit and vegetables while others sold silks, clothes, weaving and other trinkets. Mix was stopped thrice already by women trying to sell him concoctions said to cure all illnesses and bring luck, having to politely decline each time making his way further onwards. It's a bit overwhelming seeing all these people, some with clothes tinged with dirt and holes while others looked very much well off wearing expensive fabric and intricate hairstyles. The vendors kept shouting to attract customers, while to the entrance where Mix is headed, two men dressed in chainmail and armour lie stoic looking on without any signs of fatigue. Bangna, Mix thought as he showed the two guards the letter that he had with him, is perhaps a lot more overwhelming than he thought, especially compared to his Small town where the goats outnumbered the people. The guards looked down at the letter that Mix's mother had written reading it thoroughly until the taller of the men nodded at Mix and made space for him to enter. Here we go he thought, clutching the wrapped cloth that his mother had prepared for him containing all he needed, he missed her already.
The castle itself was even more impressive, its walls heavily cobbled and towering casting shadows on the grounds, Flags adorned with brown, and red were present throughout, and even from where Mix was standing he could tell that he was bound to get lost as soon as he entered. He took a large breath in, steeling himself before making his way to the heavily guarded entrance of the castle, showing his letter again.

When he was let in he expected a lot of things, maybe more guards or else servants running about attending to their duties. What he definitely did not expect was a large pyre in the middle of the castle square. Various people were watching as Mix made his way to the back trying to blend in as much as he could. The pyre was huge, lined with so much wood while in the middle lay a large beam. Tied to the beam was an elderly woman in a green cloak, she looked so frail Mix thought, the cloak engulfing her entire body, he directed his eyes upward to where the woman had set her gaze. Mix is sure that she didn't even blink once since he had arrived.

Mix might be from a small town but there was no mistaking who was present on the balcony, looking on at the tied woman with pure disgust and rage in his eyes. King Watthanasetsiri, the ruler of Mix's province even though he had never shown interest in taking care of the village people since they were so far away. He wasn't standing alone, next to him a beautiful woman was present at his side, long locks of raven hair framing a spotless round face. The king's ward Lady Janhae who the king treated as his own daughter after the death of her biological father in battle. Mix's reason for arriving at Bangna was not present, his condition must be worse than he thought.

The tied woman screamed then, shouting up curses at the king while he simply looked on. Mix knew what was coming next, the king's ruthless hate towards magic users was known across the entire country as well as the ruthless ways he disposed of them. Mix could feel his teeth clenching, as the king raised his hand up, the guards with a lighted pike followed suit. His hands involuntary form a fist as the pyre catches on fire, its flames high and bright muffling the woman's cries, burning her body to ashes as the crowd around her cheers and claps in victory. Mix had to leave them; he couldn't stand there for another single moment watching as people cheered for the death of another.

Mix marched on towards a door, trying to calm his breathing and stop the swelling of tears in his eyes, he shouldn't show too much emotion over this his mother had warned otherwise It would be too dangerous. He steeled himself and made his way onwards, he didn't actually know where he was going but hopefully he was going in the right direction. Mix was walking with his head downwards looking at the floor unaware of the person marching opposite to him. He was too late in seeing the set of shoes in front of him colliding heavily and landing on the floor. Opposite him were flowers, so many flowers, probably blue hydrangeas in full bloom, they were clearly wrapped in a ribbon which had loosened with the impact letting the individual stems out.
"I'm so so sorry", he apologised getting up quickly and going to help the woman that he bumped into. He apologised again as he helped her collect the separate stems, trying to arrange them all together again in the ribbon.
"I think you already apologised enough for a lifetime," The woman said, looking up at Mix with a smile. She may have been dressed in servant clothes but that did not take any of her beauty away, streaks of hair were out of place and yet her face looked perfect. "I'm still terribly sorry, I don't want to get you in trouble" Mix continued. The woman laughed then, "I assure you, the person these are going to isn't even going to notice, he isn't even awake to enjoy them".
"You mean the Prince?" Mix questioned
"Yes, I'm sorry if this is rude but how do you know that the prince is sick, the king hasn't published any news yet?", her look of surprise and distrust did not go unnoticed by Mix as he answered her.
"I've been called to treat the prince, I'm new the physician to try to cure the prince's illness, my mother she was also a physician here for the queen a long time ago, she received a letter from the king himself asking her to try to cure his son, I was sent instead as my mother isn't fit for travel anymore"
"Oh, I forgot that you were supposed to arrive today what with all the chaos around here, my name is Namtan, apologies if I caused you offence, I'll take you to the castle physician's rooms, he should be expecting you".
Mix thanked her after introducing himself, following after Namtan as she led him to where his guardian should be staying. He definitely would have never found his way without Namtan's help as they went through various corridors until finally arriving at a spiral staircase leading upwards. "Physician Nammon's quarters are up these stairs, he'll explain everything you need to know", Mix thanked her promising to make it up for the flowers before heading up the stairs.

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