Three years past

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The market is busy as always, no matter the time of day as various stalls are set up with fabrics, clothes and others selling fish, fruit and fresh vegetables, the calls of the vendors amidst the bustling city of Bangna as it awakens, a bright new day beginning. There are, however, new instalments into the market with new stalls set up displaying peculiar artefacts for sale and bottles upon bottles of different coloured liquids for various ailments being sold all under the regulation of course. Various children run around the cobbled streets chasing each other with windmill toys firing off different colours into the air, and figurines which move upon speaking a few words to them much to the joy of the children as they play. One of the said children was different from the others, she didn't play or talk with the others, she couldn't stop at a stall selling candy and buy some like the other children instead she had to find other means, as she hid behind a corner eyeing a particular stall selling bread, keeping sight on the vendor. She was extremely hungry, and bread was the best option for her, to last her until the next day until she had to do the same process every single day. Her opportunity presents itself as the vendor is busy talking with a woman, giving his back to her, her eyes glow bright and golden not needing to utter a single word for her to lift a loaf of bread from the pile and bring it to her. She smiles at the loaf in her hands, today she was going to eat something freshly made finally, a shout, as well as the sound of running steps, makes her look up only to see the bread vendor full of fury run towards her. Fast as lightning she bolts from her corner, the bread clutched tightly in her hands as she tries to lose the vendor who was hot on her heels for stealing. She whips past a man dragging a stubborn mule behind him nearly pushing him off balance as she turns around a corner, she looks behind her to see for a second if he is still following her only to crash into what felt like a sturdy wall. She landed on her back, the loaf by her side but at least it didn't fall into a puddle, so it was still edible, she grabs it quickly protecting it against her chest as she looks up, "Shit" she said out loud unable to stop herself, "You have quite the sharp tongue on you for being so small" Mix laughed, looking at the little girl before him, he holds out a hand for her take but she refuses standing up without his help. At that moment, the vendor finally finds them clearly out of breath and unused to running any form of long-distance, upon seeing Mix the vendor apologises profusely giving him a bow no matter how many times Mix said it wasn't necessary they never listened to him "I apologise for bothering you, but this girl is a thief, she stole from me" he exclaimed pointing an accusatory finger at the girl who had her hands behind her back to protect her stolen loaf. "I see" Mix nods, turning to the vendor, he takes out some coins from his pants pocket more than enough to pay to hand them to the vendor who at first declined, but Mix insisted. The vendor thanked him profusely before leaving, yet he still threw the girl a glare as he passed by her. Mix turns to the girl then, who looked at him defensively, he gives her a gentle smile trying his best not to spook her as he crouches down in front of her, in his palm more money enough to last for a long while "So you don't have to steal anymore" Mix said, encouraging the girl to come closer, she couldn't help but the snatch the money from his hand quickly afraid that he might retract his hand if she waits, she had never seen that much money in her eight years of life. "Can I ask what's your name?" Mix asked gently still at a crouch so that he was looking at her eye level, he sees her scrunching her brows for a moment before seeing the tell-tale sign of gold in her eyes, moving just in time as a barrel rushes at him getting away just in the nick of time. He stands confused as he looks at where the girl was, only to find it empty, no sign of her to be found. It's been three years and yet he had never met another magic user like him who didn't need to use words or gestures to do magic. Interesting indeed he thought, as he gave one last look behind him before making his way to the castle, he was late already.

"Mix where have you been?" Earth exclaims as soon as Mix enters through the door into their rooms, "Do you know how boring it was to be the only one listening to crop numbers being listed off, you left me to suffer alone" he pouts exaggeratedly, putting his head on his hands which were on the table in a more dramatic fashion. Mix sighs but still indulges him as he comes behind Earth's chair, his arms coming around him as he sneaks in a kiss on Earth's cheek, "Well, you are the King" he reasons, making space for Earth to lift his head from off the table to look at him, his neck bent "You're technically the king too" Earth quips smiling as he looks up at Mix and lifting his hand, a gold ring catching into the light. Mix's own matching his, "I preferred it when I was just your physician, less work and responsibility" Mix tries to not laugh at Earth's look of offence at his words. "But you weren't just my physician either" Earth pouts again, turning away from Mix in a playful manner and continuing their teasing game, "You're right but I prefer what we are to each other now" Mix answers, giving Earth space for him to stand and come in front of him, their foreheads were almost touching, Earth coming too close "Then what are we?" He challenges, fuelled even more by Mix's annoyance at his question "Do I have to say it every time, it's been almost two years already". Earth sighs "You have to answer because I'm the king", he knew he walked into a trap as Mix's eyes twinkled at his remark, "I thought you said that we are both technically kings" His grin was bright knowing that he won the round seeing Earth huff and whine his name out loud. "Fine" Mix said unable to tease Earth any further "I'm sorry for teasing you my husband", He also would never get tired of saying it especially when every time he did Earth smiled so brightly and carefree at him. "All this teasing after I already had such a bad day, you leave me no choice," Earth said then, already placing his hands on Mix's hips stopping him from escaping, "What are you going to do about it" Mix challenges, his gaze unbreaking as his hands come up behind Earth's neck pulling him closer to his face. By now it's second nature for Earth to join their lips together, Mix immediately allowing him access as they move against each other, Earth chasing after Mix's lips as the latter teases, a whine escaping unbidden from Mix as Earth bites his plump lower lip in retaliation. Earth starts to push at Mix's chest moving him back towards the bed in the centre, hands already grasping at their clothes trying to get them off, Mix successfully removes Earth's shirt, throwing it unbothered on the floor, and his knees hit the back of the bed laying down, bringing Earth with him and on top of him, kissing him fervently again. Earth curses out loud at the sound of knocking on their door, putting a hand over Mix's mouth because he could just tell that Mix was going to try to do something mischievous just from the look he gave Earth under him. The knocking sounds again this time more urgent as the guards call for Earth as there is a problem within the castle. Earth sighs, helping Mix before going to pick up his shirt from the floor and putting it on, trying his best to smooth out the creases but at least Mix wasn't looking any better as he was trying unsuccessfully to put his hair in place and for it to not look like it had been gripped. They look at each other for a moment breaking into smiles and laughter before Earth came by Mix's side taking his hand in his leading them out.

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