The final battle

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Morning had come, the sun's rays penetrating even through the thick leaves and branches of the trees illuminating the forest floor and with it waking up everyone gently, it was time. Mix wished that time would stop and move more slowly but they had to get up and join the preparations at some point even though it was so comfortable lying on Earth's chest. Earth was the first one to wake up again, sitting up slowly and gently he woke Mix up with a kiss on his temple. Mix's eyebrows were scrunched up due to wakening up at such an ungodly hour, his eyes opened and set into a glare and pout that Earth couldn't help himself not to kiss Mix's cheek. He smiled but his eyes were also pensive, they had a lot to do and yet the odds were against them. Mix attuned to Earth's emotions now immediately saw the worry in Earth's eyes as he looked at him, Mix's hands came up and on either side Of Earth's cheek grounding him "I had a dream" Mix whispered catching Earth's attention immediately "Only that it didn't feel like a dream but a message instead". Earth nodded "What did you see?", He questioned. Mix sighed before continuing "I was near a lake, and a woman emerged from the waters, her hair was long and braided and adorned in water lilies, I don't know how but she called me by my name, there is a hidden underground path she said, it will turn the tide, find it. And then you woke me up". Earth stood for a moment pensive, thoughts already forming in his mind, a recollection from when he was young but it's not that clear yet as Mix looks at him expectantly. Mix sees the recognition in Earth's eyes after a few moments of silence, his eyes widening in recognition as he jumps up from their cot and starts to dress. Mix questions him if he knows something only for Earth to throw a shirt and some pants at him urging him to hurry and that they don't have much time. Still utterly confused, Mix is dragged by Earth out of their tent who looks resolutely ahead while saying under his breath that it couldn't be possible could it. They delve deeper and away from the tents heading south until Earth stops them from running in front of a large willow tree, clearly hundreds of years old. "Will you finally tell me why you brought us here?" Mix questioned as Earth makes his way to the back of the tree dragging Mix with him, he sees it then the bark of the willow tree was uneven, and if you pay attention to it clearly out of place. "As soon as you described your dream, I remembered coming here once as a child with my father, I... this must be it" Earth started directing Mix to help him with the displaced bark, Mix gasped at the scene before him as the displaced piece of bark was hiding an empty space within the tree, Mix immediately conjuring a globe of light with his magic causing Earth to stop in his tracks upon seeing it, "This that cave to get the flower, all this time it was you all along too?" Mix nodded giving Earth a smile, "I told you I always used my magic to protect you" He put a reassuring hand on Earth's shoulder assuring him that all that happened between them is in the past, Earth nodded giving Mix a smile back before they made their way to the opening in the tree, Mix's magic lighting the way. It was clearly an underground path and just from the top, they could see that it stretched further and further into the forest "Can you see ahead with your magic?" Earth questioned as he looked forwards. "I can try" Mix replied, his eyes turning golden and his concentration steady and focused, Earth feeling reassured
even more at Mix's smile at the end "The path ends and opens in the opposite forest, close to the plain we are battling in". Earth could finally breathe in relief; they had a fighting chance now.

"We can turn the tide on our side, an attack from the front and a surprise attack catching them from the back, they would be trapped leaving us a higher probability of winning" Earth finishes addressing those present in the largest tent with Mix by his side. Earlier two figures had arrived much to the relief of Mix, Nammon and Namtan who had escaped and safely transported by the druids here. Mix felt like his chest was being crushed as both of them came barrelling in giving him the biggest hug much to everyone present's amusement including Earth. They came with a warning as well, Janhae and Earth's uncle were going to be present, a message sent through Bangna that they wanted to be the ones to kill Earth themselves. At this Mix looked to his side but Earth wasn't fazed if anything it looked like he was even more determined now speaking in such confidence when assigning everyone their role in battle, this wasn't the same Earth that was unable to stand up to his father, this Earth was much stronger Mix noted, befitting the title of king. At first, Earth was adamant in refusing the be part of the team that went through the tunnel, he didn't want the others to face the more head-on danger on their own " Look at it this way " Gun started commanding everyone at his voice " Janhae and your uncle would think they you aren't present, or they might think that you are in fact dead, only for you to turn up in a surprise ambush with Mix beside you, let me assure you that the strategy you have come up with is nothing short of genius, a smart king is a strong king, not one that rushes blindly into danger". Earth nods, Gun always surprised him with his wisdom when they needed him the most, he looked at everyone present in the tent, Mix by his side, The druids and Ohm along with Nanon always by his side, "It's time to fight".

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