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"Is there any way I can decline this offer?" Mix asked Nammon in the morning, he couldn't sleep much that night and not because of the hard bed he slept on. This was supposed to be just a week and then Mix could go back home and now there's the possibility that he's stuck here.

"I don't think you can decline the king's word without getting your head chopped off," Nammon said as he handed Mix a bowl of porridge, the green tinge of it not bothering him anymore.
"But why does he need a personal physician, surely there is no need for one every single day right?", this question was confusing Mix the most last night, the prince is now back to his full health so why the need for a personal physician when Nammon was the official doctor of the court.

Nammon sighed before sitting down next to Mix, he rubbed his temple twice before looking at him to explain "Ok, so the thing is, the prince he's always been like this, I remember him growing up and falling sick all the time, now don't get me wrong he's very strong and capable especially in combat but sometimes he exhibits these strange symptoms and ends up collapsed for days without signs of getting up, he gets feverish at night most of the time and he is plagued by abnormal dreams"

"Abnormal dreams?" Mix questioned

"Yes, not all of the time but some nights the guards report the prince waking up screaming and speaking horrors, sometimes he was even found crying on the floor of his room in fear, I've given him so many different formulas for better sleep, but nothing works on him" Nammon finished.

Mix nods going back to his porridge, he needs to send a letter to his mother as soon as possible to explain his current situation, he doesn't want her to worry too much. Namtan should be arriving any moment to take him to check up on the Prince's health, now the reason for his presence is a bit clearer. It's still strange why an otherwise healthy twenty-eight-year-old is exhibiting these symptoms, Mix just can't at this moment figure out what the cause is. The cause might be magic, but who did this and whoever it is had to be powerful for the prince to be vulnerable for years. They might not be even alive Mix thought.
"Mix are you ready to leave?" Namtan asked as she made her way into the room, her hair wasn't tied up today instead it fell down her back held together with strands of pink flowers. Mix smiled at her and nodded in answer, making his way after her to the prince's quarters.
Mix remembers vaguely the way they took yesterday but he still was not familiar enough to not get lost, he took notice of details that might help him remember the way for the days to come. Namtan stopped before the doors knocking thrice before giving a pat on Mix's shoulder, "Good luck" she whispered as she hurried down the corridor. That was very reassuring thought Mix as he waited for the door to be opened.

"Come in," a voice said from inside, the tone deep and smooth. Mix pushed on the wooden surface, opening the door enough to make his way inside. The room looked exactly like yesterday only this time there wasn't anyone sleeping on the bed. A figure stood with his back to Mix looking at the open window of the balcony. The prince was tall Mix noted wearing a red tunic with a black belt, his shoulders wide and strong.
"Are you going to just stand there and stare?" The prince said as he turned around to look directly at Mix, his gaze bored and already done. Mix apologised to him before instructing him to sit on the bed as it was easier to inspect and examine him that way. The prince obeyed but was clearly annoyed as he slumped on the edge of the bed looking up expectantly at Mix. Mix didn't want to say anything lest he offended him, his temper already wasn't sitting right with him, but he knew Nammon would kill him if he made a bad impression on the first day. He sighed before taking out of his bag two vials filled with an off-blue liquid, shaking them and inspecting that the colour was alright, he opened the tap and handed them to the prince who said nothing and drank them immediately.
"Aren't you going to ask me what those were for?" Mix questioned; the prince's behaviour was completely left field.
"So, you can actually speak," The prince said, Mix had to will himself not to roll his eyes "It's not like you are going to poison me, you would be dead before the sun sets" the prince continued.
Mix nodded before warming up his hands, he knew that they were usually cold, he put one of his hands on the prince's chest and the other on his temple. Mix closed his eyes as he felt for anything amiss, the prince's heart still beats in an irregular rhythm just like yesterday but at least today his chest was rising normally while his temple was cold to the touch and not searing hot like yesterday. There was something blocking Mix from seeing and feeling the prince completely, something was pushing him out and no matter how much he tried to delve in he couldn't pass it. Mix opened his eyes and saw the prince looking at him, he was right about his eyes being a deep shade of brown as their gazes locked and their faces were bare inches apart. Time seemed to stop as they couldn't break gazes from each other before Mix cleared his throat stepping back and moving away giving the prince space to be able to get up.
"You're fine today, no signs of any illness, I'll bring you two of those bottles to take this evening as they will help to get your full strength back", He put the empty vials in his bag and slung it over his shoulder ready to bow and make his way out.
"Where do you think you're going?" The prince said as he saw Mix move away from him.
"Uhm, back to the physician's quarters" Mix replied confused "There isn't anything more I can do for now"
The prince laughed then, his smile full of mischief and his eyes twinkling "I don't think you understand fully what being my personal physician means, you need to accompany me throughout the day too lest something happens to me at least for this week". Mix had to really fight himself from cursing out loud, the prince's smile not reassuring him that he was going to enjoy what was coming next. He sighed before asking him" So where are we going?"

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