Chapter Four

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Chapter 4: 'My Grandfather's Clock'

Charlotte woke up in a dark space. It wasn't black though, it was a very dark blue. The actual color was brighter, but there wasn't any light. She felt around and realized that she was in a box, she lifted up the lid to see a room with no lights on. She was next to what seemed to be a prize counter with a music box next to the box that she was just in. She recognized the song it was playing, 'My Grandfather's Clock'.
Charlotte decided to look around. She went to what looked like the main room, there was a stage and three animatronics on it. Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica. She knew this was the pizzeria, so she went to Pirates Cove. When she got there, she heard a very loud, broken radio. She could just barely make out a weird endoskeleton. It was a messed up endoskeleton with a white foot, the other showing the metal. It had one white hand and two heads, one had yellow eyes and showed the endoskeleton whilst the other was Toy Foxy's head...

"Toy Foxy?" Charlotte asked, her voice echoing through the pizzeria.

She waited for a good 30 seconds with no response, so she just walked out of Pirates Cove. The place still seemed to have had some parties earlier so she knew that it was still open and not completely abandoned. She figured it was closing time..

Wait, that meant that there was a nightguard! She decided not to bother them yet but instead went to look in a mirror, she wanted to do so because she felt a lot taller and skinnier than before. She walked towards the bathrooms, making sure the nightguard could not see her through the hallway. When she got to the bathroom and flicked on the light switch and walked to the mirror, she looked in it and was shocked to see what she saw..
It was the Marionette! She moved her head around, and the animatronic in the reflection did the same. Charlotte looked down to see hands. Black, three-fingered, hands.
Just when she thought she hadn't died... She couldn't help but notice that there were purple tear tracks running down the puppet mask, stopping at the mouth. She looked down to see that she was floating, had she really not noticed that she was floating instead of walking?

She then floated out of the bathroom, she noticed that the lights were flickering in the office with a beakless Toy Chica sliding towards the nightguard from the right. The nightguard put on a Freddy mask and then Chica left? Did Chica really get fooled by a mask? Charlotte heard a door opening sound from beside her and some metal footsteps. She looked in the direction the sound was coming from, it was the employees only room. She then looked back at the hallway in front of her and saw a red fox? It was very torn up and pirate looking. 'Is that another version of Toy Foxy?' Charlotte thought to herself.
After watching the nightguard do their job, she went back to the box. She slid back in and threw the lid on top. After a while, there was a sudden crank, crank, crank. Was that the music box winding up?

The music box seemed very calming to her. As long as it was wound up and playing, she didn't need to leave the box. When it played music, she felt all of the violence slip away.
It didn't last long though, she hadn't heard the cranking sound in a while and was worried it would stop. After a minute of worrying, the music shut off. She started to feel very violent at that exact moment, she wanted to kill that nightguard all of this sudden.. She then started rising up, out of the box.

The nightguard was extremely scared now, they forgot to wind the music box. According to the guide, 'Phone Guy', there was an animatronic that the music box kept away. They didn't know what would happen when the music box was completely unwound, so they pulled up the camera with their shaky hands. They went to camera eleven and saw the puppet rising out of the box, they pulled down the camera and put on the Freddy mask in hope that it would keep the puppet animatronic away.
You see, the nightguard was very new to this job. According to 'Phone Guy' the mask kept almost every animatronic away, they didn't know what it did for the Marionette. They pulled their mask down and pulled up the camera system since nothing was happening. They switched to the main hall camera, there was a ghostly puppet mask right at the camera. They pulled down the cameras and put on the mask again in hopes to not die. A good thirty seconds later, the puppet animatronic came jumping at the nightguard from the hallway. It was the end for this nightguard, everything was now black in the nightguard's eyes and was apparently bleeding.

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