Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven: "Illusion Discs?"

The employees only room.

The perfect place to kill, the perfect place to hide dead bodies.
Charlotte had always gotten child murderer vibes from Afton, especially after he had killed her. She decided to wait. She didn't want to be spotted outside of her box, she could only imagine what would happen if he found her roaming outside of the box.
While waiting, Charlotte was thinking of what she would do.

When the lights go out, I'll make my move. Visit the employees only room and investigate. Find any blueprints, plans, books, journals, blood, weapons, and dead bodies.

There were now ten minutes left until the restaurant would be closed. The Puppet decided to peek out of it's box. Charlotte could make out people slowly leaving one by one.
She was watching the table nearest to the prize counter since she could see it clearly. There was an adult getting out of their seat and grabbing what Charlotte could only assume was their child.

She could just barely hear the words, "Come on let's get going" followed by a child screaming. All sounds being muffled by the box, the only thing Charlotte could do was wait and watch.

Even though the noises outside were partially blocked out by the box, she could hear footsteps. She peeked out to see an almost empty restaurant, almost.

Afton. He was walking towards the entrance with his keys. He then disappeared out of sight. Charlotte heard a door opening and the sound of a conversation. There was then a figure walking towards the offices, followed by the entrance door closing. The figure disappeared into the office.

Now's my time to strike, no ones looking.
And with that, the Marionette rose up from it's box. Quietly escaping, it made it's way towards the employees only room.

It opened the door that had shown the employees only room. It was different from when Charlotte had visited a week before. They were getting ready to open up a new pizzeria, so they started building the new animatronics. She didn't end up finding any dead bodies. Though, what she found was pretty interesting.
There were a few disc looking things in a drawer. The drawer was label 'Illusion Discs'.
Illusion Discs? Charlotte thought, she decided to try one. It took a while to figure it out, but she finally got it on. The moment of truth.
She turned it on. The first thing she realized was that she got shorter. What is happening? She thought. She walked to the bathroom, she wasn't floating anymore. She went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Wait... I look like myself again!?
There standing in front of the mirror was Charlotte Emily.

It didn't last long though. The illusion disc must have been right on the verge of running out of battery. A minute later, Charlotte turned back into the tall Marionette figure. Oh well, these don't seem to help. She thought. She sighed and floated back to her box.

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