Chapter 4: Ming Leaving

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Ming POV:

Ok, I can't just be this coward all the time. This is stupid I am leaving in 3 days, leaving the store with my manager and working offshore with forth.

I and Forth work together but I have been working online for a while. But now the company is asking me to go on-site and start working. I am not sure what to do. I want to go work on-site, but I dont want to miss my chance to express my feeling toward Phana and lose him forever.

I was looking through my contract while sitting at one of the tables in my cafe. I don't know what to do, I want to go but at the same time, I dont want to go and leave Phana here.

Forth was sitting in front of me and discussing the work there and how it is going to be. I have been working in an office for a while but it's the first time I am going to work offshore. And it was one of my dreams when I joined engineering.

"I dont think Phana would like it if you don't go work your dream job, you know. " Forth said as he took a sip of the coffee.

That is true, he wouldn't like it if I didn't have admission in my life. And I wouldn't like it too, one of the best things about Phana is his ambition and his dream to be a heart doctor. He is so passionate and so lovely...I am so in love with him. Oh god.

"Are you daydreaming again?" Forth asked as he waved his hands in front of me.

I blinked and looked back at him. He was smirking looking at me as I was all flustered.

"Shut up Forth. And I am going to go, I am not going to miss this chance, but the book store? I am just worried." I told him as I look down at the contract.

"Trust Max man, he will take care of it. Dont worry, he is the best. And he loves doing this. " Forth said, and he is right, I know he is good at managing and taking care of business. And he loves working here even if he could work somewhere else better and better.

"I know, I know... you are right I should just take the offer," I told him and sat up and started tying my mail to the office.

"Yes that is a good decision" forth said as he took another sip of his black coffee.

How many of that does he take a day? I think should be worried, but I am the same. Coffee addiction is real, I thought as I took a sip of my coffee.

The shop was not that busy, just some sleep-deprived college students in the corner working on their assignments and some old couple with their books and a coffee who came for some peaceful reading session. And there is me and forth sitting with our laptops and black coffee and working without sleep.

We were talking and chilling when the shop's door chimed I looked to see who is the customer, and I froze at my spot. I saw the doc gang walk in and Forth stood up to greet them or just to greet his lovely boyfriend Beam.

"Hey honey, how was your study session is it done?" Forth asked as he walked up to them and gave a kiss on Beam's forehead.

"Noo too tiring, nothing is done." Beam sighed.

"It's ok, taking a break now? Hmm, come let's all sit together." Forth said to them. I stood up as they were speaking and smiled at them, I didn't know what to say really so I just stood there and looked at Phana, he looked tired. Kit was by the counter ordering for all of them.

"Do you guys want anything?" Kit asked me and forth. We both shook our heads as no as I lead them to a 6-seater table and packed our laptops and took our coffee to the table.

We all settled down as I asked the servers to get our orders to the table and get me and Forth a refill.

Forth and beam sat side by side and kit sat beside beam, I and Pha sat in front of them.

"Oh god, why am I here, am I here to 5th wheel? " Kit exclaimed as Beam and forth laughed as Phana blushed and hit kit on the head with the menu.

"Haha, you look baked Pha, what happen? you shy now?" Beam laughed.

"Dont tease him, Beam," I told him, but I know I looked equally baked.

"Aww look who is deafening his dear Pha" Kit also teased as all 3 of them started laughing.

We all calmed down as the waiter came with our orders. we thanked him and took the order.

"Next wroo Ming is joining me to the site and start working there from now on." Forth said I looked at him shocked. I was not ready for this.

"Oh you wanted to go right, this is great for you P' !!" Beam exclaimed. But I glanced towards Pha, he looked shocked too, I wanted to tell him, but not like this, not in front of everyone! Forth is stupid, but I think it's good he said because he knows I will chicken out.

"Ya, I got the offer, I thought of taking it, it's been a while anyways. Soo ya. I will leave in 3 days." I said with a sigh.

"Congratulation P' Ming" Kit said with a smile, I smiled back at him and glanced back at Pha.

"Congrats," he said as he looked up slightly and glanced at me with a small smile, I smiled back at him and said a small thank you.

They started talking as I was in my world sipping my coffee, I dont know what to say, how to express my feeling toward Pha, I am not even sure if he wants to be with me, am I thinking the way forward, what if all this is just me imagining and my friends teasing me, and he doesn't even have any feelings for me and he is just being nice. Oh god, this is not good for me.

Phana POV:

He is leaving? really? Oh god. But it's his dream job, he should take it. But I won't be able to see him anymore.

Well maybe be like P'forth comes back P'ming will also come back for a break. Oh god, I am not even in a relationship with him, I dont even know if he likes me, what if he is just being nice to me? Oh god, I am overthinking everything. I should stop this.

"I think I will step out for a while, I want to take a breather," I said as I stood up taking my coffee with me.

"Ok, do you want me to come with you?" Beam asked me looking worried.

"No, it's ok, you stay here, I am ok" I smiled a little and assured him that I am fine, even if I am not, but I dont want him to be worried, and walked out of the place and sat down on the outdoor seating area, this place has a beautiful outdoor seating space with a little garden which is calming and peaceful.

I sighed and took a sip of my coffee as I calm myself down.


A little longer than normal for this story but hope you like the story, comment down below what you think about the story.

Thank you for reading and supporting me!!


-Kee <3

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