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Y/n POV.

I went home soon after. Nami was just sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating sandwiches. As I stood in the door she looked at me. In her eyes, I saw anger and worry.

"You know I was worried? "

"You already told me that " I sighed."You act like you're my mother."

"I don't act like a mother." She answered me and bit another piece of sandwich.

I sent her my gaze.

"Uhh, okay, maybe sometimes I act like that." She admitted."But I was really worried! Because if someone would kidnap you or kill you, who would I share the rent with? I won't pay for everything myself!" Now she started joking.

"Ha Ha, very funny." And I went to my room.

Saturday was already the day after tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, but... what am I going to wear? It's only supposed to be a friendly way out, so I don't want to tune in too much.

And, what time and where are we supposed to meet? We haven't established that yet.

I sat on the bed and wrote a message to Ace.


*Hi, Ace, where and what time do you want to meet?*

*Heyyy, I think I'll come to you around 4 pm, does it suit you?*

*sure,but you know my address?*

*Yea,Sabo gave it to me.*

*Okay, so see you!*

*( ͡°³ ͡°)*

I fell on the bed. I was smiling and I was sure I had a blush on my face at the moment. And it was at this moment that Nami came into my room.

"You smile like some psychopath."

I ignored what she said.

"I can't wait for Saturday."

*time skip*

Saturday came. In a dozen minutes, Ace was supposed to come for me. Why am I so bothered? It's just supposed to be a friendly way out, not any date.

As much as I wish it were a date...

I was just sitting with Nami in the kitchen.She was making another coffee today, and I was just stressing.

"You said he was a good friend of yours, so why are you so stressed about going out with him?"

"This is the first time we will go out JUST THE TWO OF US.Of course I'm going to stress. I don't know if I can do it."

"Ohh, I get it, that's the point."


"Really, try not to worry like that, it's only a few hours, you'll go somewhere, talk, you know..." She sent smirk towards me."Maybe it will end up with some kind of kiss? "

"Nami! "

She did not have time to tell me anything else, because the bell rang at our door.That is, Ace has already come. I ran out of the kitchen at the speed of light and opened the door to a freckled boy.

𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤[Ace x Reader,Modern AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt