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TW: Smoking, alcohol, mention of abuse near the end.


"I call mattress!" Brett screamed up the stairs as he grabbed his bag, changing into his comfy, green and red striped pyjamas in the bathroom. He grabbed all the snacks and the pizza that was made earlier, since he was on snack duty.

Steve had a few guest rooms, given him being a rich kid. One of them had 2 beds, and a bunch of sleeping bags. Steve decided he would bring a mattress in for someone to sleep on. Obviously, that someone was Brett. He insisted that it be him, saying it was for 'research purposes'. So, one of the beds were taken by Robin and Nancy, and the other was taken by Steve and Eddie.

"Dude, you look like a Christmas tree." Robin laughed as he sprinted up the stairs to Steve's room, where they were supposed to be getting drunk and playing truth or dare and other crappy games like that.

"Oh yeah? You look like a 6 year old." He returned the insult, smirking at Robin's blue pyjamas with teddy bears on them. Robin just rolled her eyes and they wordlessly made their way into Steve's room.


"Alrighty, Freakshow, what game is up first?" Brett hopped onto Steve's bed, holding a vodka bottle, taking a long breath of his cigarette. Nancy stuck her hand into the jar of papers, as the other 4 clutched onto their bottles, anticipating what it would say.

"Truth or dare." She read it out loud, and everyone smiled. Eddie was up first, so he spun the empty beer bottle and it landed on Nancy.

"Nancy, truth or dare?" Eddie said, a mischievous smirk painting his face, taking a gulp of the beer in his hand.

"Dare." She replied nonchalantly, squinting her eyes at Eddie.

"Hmmmm.. oo! I've got a good one. I dare you to lock yourself in a room with Brett for 10 minutes."

"Sure! Which room Nance?" Brett grinned cheerfully.


Nancy and Brett made their way to the guest bedroom. They went inside and locked it. Brett waited until they were all back in Steve's room.

"Soo, how are things with Buckley?" He asked, mischievously smirking.

"I'm sorry?" Nancy frowned, lighting a cigarette and opening the window.

"You heard me, Wheeler." He sat down on the bed, cross legged.

"Oh, well we are great friends."

"Right, friends. You know your, not as sneaky as you think. I can tell you like Robin from a mile away!" Brett laughed as Nancy's face turned crimson. Suddenly, he saw his parents' pleading faces, begging for mercy. Just another hallucination.

"Same with you and Olly." He was soon taken out of his trance by the rapid heat rising up to his cheeks.

"Well, at least Robin's gay for you." Brett mumbled, suddenly looking disappointed.

"Wait, what?" Nancy frowned at him.

"Come on, don't tell me you didn't know Robin has a crush on you." Brett looked at her in disbelief, when she suddenly shook her head wide-eyed.

"Why the long face?" Nancy asked as she noticed Brett's disappointment.

"Oh, nothing." He just fake smiled back at her, but she wasn't buying it.

"Brett. I'm a reporter. Not a dumbass." Nancy gave him a look that literally said 'Really?'.

"Okay fine." Brett sighed in annoyance. "Listen, you have a chance with Robin. She's gay! For me, I always fall for pretty, straight boys!"

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