Nightmares and Confessions

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TW: Details of injuries, verbal abuse.

"Your a monster!" She screamed in his face. "A worthless monster!"

"I-I didn't m-mean-" He stared into his parents bloodied faces.

"Your a disgrace! It's all your fault!" The man screamed this time.

He could see his father lift the shotgun and cock it.

"Please! I didn't mean it!" The boy tried to plead, but he ignored him.

"Look at you. Your a killing machine! It'll be better for everyone if you were gone."

Brett woke up, sweat sticking his shirt to his back. He was breathing heavily, and his whole body was shaking. He touched his face and it was stained with tears. He looked around, remembering where he was, and sat up.

"Woah, are you okay?" Brett heard a gentle female voice. Looking up, he identified it being Nancy.

"Y-yeah.." He answered and swallowed thickly, still shaken up from the nightmare. Ever since the incident he has felt guilty all the time. Even if he's feeling happy or sad, there is always a hint of guilt in his heart. The nightmare didn't help.

"Your jacket's in the hallway." Nancy pointed to the door, obviously urging him on to call someone, and they both knew who that someone would be. He went out of the door, pulling his Hellfire and Corroded Coffin sticker covered phone out of the pocket.

"H-hey, Olly, u-um, sorry f-for waking you up l-late." Brett called the first person that would come to mind.

"Hey, Brett, is everything alright?" Oliver asked over the phone, concern the only emotion in his voice.

"N-nightmare." Was all the other boy could manage out. He heard some shuffling on the other end, and then the gentle voice came back.

"I'll be there in 10." They both said their goodbyes and Brett went downstairs. He sat on the couch, covering himself with a blanket, while waiting for a knock.

Soon after, the knock came. When Brett opened the door, he was instantly engulfed in Oliver's arms. He ignored how close they were and just sobbed into the shorter's shoulder. This was very unlike Brett. Eddie had told him many times that he's never seen him cry, even when he found out their parents had died.

"Was it about?-" Olly stopped his question when Brett frantically nodded. He guided him to the couch and sat him down. He patted his lap, and Brett gave him a questioning look. His face was red but not from crying, from sheer embarrassment. Oliver nodded with the cheeriest smile in the world. So, the freckled boy lay his head down on his lap, tense all the time. However, he quickly relaxed when Oliver started playing with his hair. That's how he fell asleep. In that position. Olly did soon after.


"BRE-" Steve stopped at the stairs, staring in disbelief at the couch. Brett was fast asleep, laying his head on his crush's lap, arms wrapped around said crush's waist. Oliver had his hands in Brett's hair, also knocked out.

"Guys." He whispered to the three people behind him. Eddie, Robin and Nancy peeked into the living room. Nancy smiled at the sight, already knowing what had happened. Robin's face was pretty red, having just been told about her nightly habits by Nancy. Eddie stared, grinning in pride at his brother.

"Pancakes are ready!" Steve shouted into the big room after making food for their little 'family'. Including Oliver. Speaking of, his shout caused him to wake, looking dreamily at the boy in his lap.

"Hey guys!" He whisper-shouted to the others, not even a hint of embarrassment on him. Although his face was a tiny shade of pink. Everyone waved back, grinning.

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