| Dream |

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3rd Person POV

Technobalde started getting hungry now guess that what happens when you don't eat for a while. Since he's a nether pig hybrid he only needs to eat every few days. Techno went pass Dream (still siting in the corner watching -creepy) and went to the chest. He opened it finding a few raw potatoes. Techno look at the chest earlier went to got trapped in here finding books, a quilt and a few potatoes. Now that he thinks about it, there's the same amount of potatoes a few days before...


Was Dream not eating....?

He's just a normal human but how? How long hasn't Dream eaten? Techno stared at the potatoes before turning his head towards Dream. Dream looked back at Techno. Now that Techno looks at him even more he's skinnier then the last time he saw him.

Techno took a breath. "Dream" Technos says eyeing Dream. "What?" Dream says with an confused look on his face. "When the last time you ate?" Dream froze then looked down at the floor. "Answer my question Dream" Techno death stares Dream with his crimson eyes. Dream waits a second then opens his mouth to say something but didn't. Dream then looks back at Techno.

"Why do you care about me" Dream glares back at Techno with a firm look. Techno was shocked. Doesn't Dream think that he cares about him. "Cause your my friend Dream. You the only person beside Phil who hasn't betrayed me, who doesn't see me as just as the blade. We've been friends since we were children!" Dream looks back to the floor.

"I can't do this anymore" Dream muttered, Techno heard it. "What" Technoo say confused. Dream stands up and heads towards the lava wall. Dream throws himself into the lava. Techno was shocked but made himself move and quickly. He grabbed Dream before all of him was in the lava, then pulled him out. 

Dream had multiple 2st and 3rd degree burns on half of his body. (Thanks Fanonimus for the correction) Dream didn't look at Techno still but you couldn't tell that he once had jade green eyes, they were too dull and foggy. Techno pulls Dream away from the lava.

"What the fuck Dream!" Techno yells, Dream didn't flinch or react at all, he just stood there. "SAMMMMM!" Techno yelled, he knows that Dream wont tell him anything and his mental health wont get any better in here.

The lava slowly comes down and on the other side was Sam. "What is it Tec-" Sam starts then he spots Dream next to him cover with burns head to toe.


Words so far 428

So I know I said that I was going to post yesterday which I was but then my mum came in while I was writing this chapter and said that I had to go to bed. BUT I will give you this little bit and I'll do MORE LATER tonight so come back and check

Bye for now <3

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