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(Note: This Takes place In the Transformers Prime Universe)

The War on Cybertron was Raging On. The Heroic Autobots are Facing of Against the Evil Decepticon. The City of Iacon is in Ruins. The Constructicons were taking Cover Behind an Old Building waiting for the Signal.

Megatron: (Comn) Constructicons, You have an Opening

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Megatron: (Comn) Constructicons, You have an Opening. Get To the Iacon Vault.

Scrapper: Copy that Lord Megatron, Constructicons Follow Me.

Scrapper, Hook, Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Longhaul, and Mixmaster then Transform into their Vehicle Modes and Entered inside the Capital Building of Iacon and Transform into their Robot Modes.

Hook: So Scrapper, Where Will we Find this Vault?

Scrapper: I've Been here Before, The Entrance is behind this Steel Wall, Mixmaster.

Mixmaster: Allow Me.

Mixmaster then Uses his Acid on the Steel Door and Melts it. They Then Went onto a Round Platform and Scavenger activates the Control Panel and they Go Down.

Longhaul: So, What Exactly is in this Vault.

Bonecrusher: Yeah, I Bet it's a Weapon of Some Sort.

Scrapper: I'm Unsure, But whatever it is it's gotta be good.

Scavenger: We're Here.

The Platform then Stops and the Constructicons Got of and Approached the Vault Door. Mixmaster then Uses his Chemicals to Melt the Vault Door and they Enter the Vault.

They Then Looked inside the Vault and Found that it was Cleared out.

Scavenger: What The Scrap Heap?!

Longhaul: It's Empty.

Bonecrusher: There isn't Anything in here.

Scrapper then Tries to Contact Megatron with his Comn, But it's Jammed.

Scrapper: The Comns are Jammed can't Contact Lord Megatron.

Hook: Neither can I

???: Freeze Decepticons!

The Constructicons then Turned around and Saw Six Green and Pink Transformers that were Pointing their Weapons at then.

The Constructicons then Turned around and Saw Six Green and Pink Transformers that were Pointing their Weapons at then

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Constructicons: Scrap!!

Pyra Magna: Don't Move a Servo or we will Shoot.

Rust Dust: What Do you Cons think your Doing down Here.

Bonecrusher: Who the Scrap are you Femmes?!

Dustup: Watch your Tongue Con!

Dustup then Pulls out her Arm Blade, But Pyra Magna Stops her.

Pyra Magna: We are the Torchbearers, We are Brave Autobot Warriors. I Presume you Six Must be those Construction Workers in the Decepticon Ranks.

Scrapper: We are the Constructicons, We we're sent here By Megatron to retrieve Some Relics, But it appears that they aren't here... That Should Answer the Tiny ones Question.

Rust Dust: Hey! That's Not Very Nice!

Scrapper Ignored Rust Dust as Scavenger Looks at Pyra Magna.

Scavenger: Where have you Autobots Put the Relics?!

Pyra Magna: That's Something we Won't Tell you.

Scrapper: Well so be it, Constructicons! Attack!

The Constructicons then Pulled out their Weapons and Begin to Fire at the Torchbearers as they Take Cover.

Pyra Magna: Torchbearers, Take Cover!

Pyra Magna and the Torchbearers Take Cover as they Got their Weapons Ready.

Jumpstream: Well what do we do now Pyra.

Pyra Magna: We Should Each choose one of the Constructicons to take Down. Each of you Pick one, But their Leader is Mine.

Pyra Magna then Gets up and Charges at Scrapper With her Axe. Scraper Pulls out his Mace And Swings it at Pyra. She Dodges it and the Two Begin to Fight. Dustup then Pulls out her Shadow Blade and Then Dive Kicks Mixmaster Straight in the Face. Jumpstream then Pulls out her Twin Blasters and Fires then At Scavenger causing him to have to Block the Shots with his Hands as Jumpstream then Charges at him. Scavenger then Transforms into his Alt Mode and Hits Jumpstream with his Scooper causing her to Get Knocked Back.

Bonecrusher: Alright, It's my Turn now.

Bonecrusher then Aims his Blaster at Jumpstream, But Skyburst Fires her Blaster at Him causing him to fall onto the Ground.

The Constructicons and the Torchbearers then Began to Fight For a While, Until the Ceiling above them Began to Collapse.

Pyra Magna: Torchbearers, Retreat!

Pyra Magna and The Torchbearers then Rushed out of the Vault. Scrapper and the Constructicons tried to Follow then, But the Ceiling Collapsed and fell Right ontop of them, Causing the Six of then to Go into Stasis.

Transformers Constructicons X TorchbearersWhere stories live. Discover now