Chapter 2

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The Constructicons Soon Arrived at Earth as the Six Pods were about to Go into Earths Atmosphere.

Scrapper: Everyone, We've Arrived at Earth!

LongHaul: Finally, I was Getting Cramped in here!

Scavenger: Oh Don't Worry about it too Much, We'll be out in No time.

Mixmaster: We're About to head Down there!

Bonecrusher: Will we be alright?

Hook: Don't Worry Bonecrusher, The Impact Won't Kill Us.

Bonecrusher: I sure Hope So.

Scrapper: Okay Constructicons, Once we Land We Must Find Alt Modes to Scan, and then Regroup and Find the Autobots and Join their Side.

The Six Pods then Crashed landed at Different Locations. The Constructicons Then Got into a bit of a Stasis Lock as soon as they Crashed landed onto the Planet. A Few Hours Later the Decepticon Was Ship the Nemesis flew by and Picked up the Pods with a Tractor Beam


We cut to see the Six Constructicons Inprisoned in Stasis Pods onboard the Nemesis.

However, One of the Stasis Pods had a bit of a Malfunction and Opened up and Released Scrapper as he Fell onto the Ground

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However, One of the Stasis Pods had a bit of a Malfunction and Opened up and Released Scrapper as he Fell onto the Ground.

Scrapper Looked around the Area as he was Trying to figure out where he Was

Scrapper: (Thoughts) Where am I?

Scrapper then Realized that this was the Decepticon Warship, The Nemesis.

Scrapper: (Thoughts) Sweet Solus Prime! I'm onboard The Nemesis? Where Are the other Constructicons.

Scrapper then Turns around and Sees the other Five Constructicons in Stasis Pods.

Scrapper: (Thoughts) I've Gotta Get them outta there.

Scrapper then begins to Break Open the Stasis Pods as Scavenger, Mixmaster, Longhaul, Bonecrusher, And Hook each Crawled out of them and Looked around the Area.

Bonecrusher: Hey? Where are we?

Longhaul: This looks like... The Nemesis?

Scrapper: That's Because it is?

They all looked at Scrapper.

Scavenger: Scrapper? How did you get out?

Scrapper: My Pod Must've had a Malfunction that allowed me to Escape.

Mixmaster: Oh, Well let's get outta here.

Hook: Wait, I wanna get some Payback on Megatron, for abandoning us.

Scrapper: Very well Hook, Everyone Follow me.

The Constructicons each walked over too the Main Door at the Entrance?

Scrapper: LongHaul, Would you do the Honors.

LongHaul: Yeah, Yeah, blast it open.

Longhaul then Gets his Missile Launchers out and Blows the Door Up as the Constructicons run out into the Hallway.

They See a Group of Vehicons Begin to Fire at them.

They See a Group of Vehicons Begin to Fire at them

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Constructicons: Scrap!

Scrapper: Constructicons! Return Fire!

The Constructicons then Began to Fire at the Vehicons and Take them out.

They then Run through the Halls as they began to Reach the Back Launch pad of the Nemesis. They soon Reach the Launch Pad and they Merge into Devastator.

Devastator then Grabs Motormaster and Rips One of his Arms Off

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Devastator then Grabs Motormaster and Rips One of his Arms Off. Dragstrip, Wildbreak, Heatseeker, and Slashmark each Fallback in Fear.

Motormaster Groans in Pain while Devastator's Laughs. Starscream then Approaches Devastator.

Starscream: Devastator what are you Doing? Stand Down!

Devastator: You no longer give Devastator Orders!!

Starscream: How Wrong you Are!! I am Your New Master!! Stand Down!!

Devastator: NO!! No more Masters!! You Order us to Rip ourselves Apart! So You Feel Safe!!

Devastator's then Tries to Punch Starscream But Wildbreak, Dragstrip, Slashmark, and Heatseeker open Fired on him. Little did they Know Skyburst and Stormclash were Both Spying on them.

Devastator: Now! It's my Turn to Rip You Apart!!

Devastator then Fires a Shot That Blasts Dragstrip and Wildbreak into a wall and Uses his Arm to knock away Heatseeker and Slashmark.

Starscream then Fires Both his Missiles at Devastator, But they Did Little Damage.

Devastator then Charges Towards Starscream, But Soundwave then Opens a Groundbridge and Sends Devastator flying of the Nemesis and Crashed Down Somewhere Causing him to Decombine and The Constructicons Went into a Stasis Lock.

Skyburst and Stormclash each fly down and Contact Base.

Stormclash: Hey Ratchet, We're Gonna Need a Groundbridge.

Skyburst: Yeah, and We're bringing back Some Familiar Faces.

Skyburst and Stormclash both Wait as they See a Groundbridge open and the Other Torchbears Comethough and See the Constucticons in a Stasis Lock.

Transformers Constructicons X TorchbearersWhere stories live. Discover now