Chapter 1

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Years Later

Scrappers Optics Begin to Light Up as he Got out of the Rubble. The Other Constructicons begin to Reactivate as the Got out of the Rubble.

Scavenger: Ugh... My Head Hurts.

Longhaul: So is my Back.

Bonecrusher: Wh.. What Happened?

Scrapper: Well All I Remember is that we were fighting against those Autobots who were Named... The... Touchbeakers... The Tomhawker...

Hook: The Torchbearers..

Scrapper: Yeah the Torchbearers..

Mixmaster: Well what do we do now Scrapper?

Scrapper: I think we Should Search around the Place and try to see what we can Find.

Scrapper then Stands up and Helps Mixmaster Get out of the Rubble. Longhaul, Hook, Bonecrusher, and Scavenger get out of the Rubble as they Helped Eachother out. They then Exited out of the Vault of Iacon and Looked around and saw that Cybertron was nothing more than a Wasteland. There wasn't a bot in sight.

Longhaul: Hey.. Where is Everyone?

Bonecrusher: Yeah, I don't see a single Bot.

Mixmaster: Have they... Left the Planet?

Bonecrusher: That's Nonsense, Where would they all go?

Hook: Well... I think I have an idea on where they might be.

Scrapper: And where exactly would that Be?

Hook then Pulls up a Holo Map of a Planet on his Arm.

Hook then Pulls up a Holo Map of a Planet on his Arm

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Mixmaster: What Planet is that?

Hook: My Datafile's say that the name of this Planet is Earth.

Scavenger: So the Autobots and Decepticons have Moved to this Planet?

Longhaul: Well that's our only option Right Now... How do we get there is my Question.

Scavenger: Yeah, What's our Next Plan Scrapper?

Scrapper thinks for a Moment Before he Decides on what too Do.

Scrapper: Megatron has Clearly Betrayed us....Left us On this planet For Scrap... I say we go to this New Planet and Find Some Energon.

Mixmaster: Yeah, But how do we Get there?

Scrapper: I think there Might be some Escape Pods that Will Allow Us to get there... And if we're Lucky we might Run into those Torchbearers again.

Bonecrusher: Yeah! I wanna Rematch!

Scrapper: Okay... Follow Me!

Scrapper then Transforms into his vehicle Mode and Drives off and the other Constructicons Transform and follow him. They Soon Got to where the Escape Pods were. There were only Six Pods Left.

Scavenger: Look, there are Enough Pods for each of us

LongHaul: Let's Get into them.

Each of the Constructicons got into an Escape Pod.

Scrapper: Mixmaster, Prepare the Launch Sequence.

Mixmaster: Launching in 5...4...3...2...1...0

The Escape Pods the Launched into Space and Headed Towards Earth.

Bonecrusher: Haha!! We Launched.

Hook: We Sure did, Bonecrusher.

Scavenger: So What do you think we'll Find on this Planet?

LongHaul: I dunno... Hopefully Some Allies.

Mixmaster: And Even Some More Energon.

Scrapper: Well We should Just Relax for a bit, We got a long Journey Ahead of us.

The Constructicons Continued to chat with eachother for the Long Journey.

Transformers Constructicons X TorchbearersWhere stories live. Discover now