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Harry was literally up for anything that Louis was. He wants to bungee jump off a cliff? Harry will be there. Louis wants to go paint balling? Call Harry. Louis wants to pull a prank on a teacher or another student? Harry will carry the supplies and be the lookout. Harry is so far up Louis's ass he doesn't even notice it half the time.

Unless Harry's looking at Lou's ass.

Which is what he was doing so subtly in Harry's room. Louis was on his knees trying to get a pen Harry dropped. Harry may have or may not have dropped it on purpose. Harry bit his lip, trying not to get hard at the sight of best friend. That's it. Bestfriend. All they'll ever be.

"Harry I can't reach it. Do you have another pen?" Louis asked. He got up from the floor and looked at Harry.

"Uh, I think so, yeah,"

"Then why did you make me try to receive that one from under the desk?" Lou pointed at the desk for dramatic affect. "You could've used another one."

"But that was my favorite pen. I can't just betray it like that and use another one. That's like, cheating!" Harry protested.

Louis just rolled his eyes at the distraught boy. He flopped on his bed and grabbed the XBox controller. "Fifa?"

Harry shrugged and got the other controller. While playing, Harry sneaked a few glances at Louis, watching the facial expressions he had. He loved his face. Harry loved everything about him, there's no denying that for sure. Harry was so distracted that he made his player run the wrong way and caused a foul.

"Harr, you okay?" Louis paused the game and sat up from his position of laying on his stomach.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?"

Louis gave him a suspicious look and nodded slowly. He resumed the game and HArry let out a quiet breath of relief. They finished playing until Harry's mom called them down for dinner. Considering they both go to school together, Louis just stayed the night after dinner.

Around one a.m. is when things got a little bit of crazy. Harry was literally bouncing off the walls. He ate too much junk food that they snuck into the room. Louis was just watching his friend go nuts, laughing until he had tears in his eyes.

"Louis! Louis! Look," Harry jumped up and down on his bed about three times before attempting a back flip. He did it, except that he tumbled off the bed and almost broke the TV. "That was fun, I wanna do it again!" Before he could even get up, Lou finally had stopped laughing and gripped the hyped up boy on the upper arm.

"Harry, I think it's time for bed,"

"No, you're not my mom," Harry tried running away but that only made Lou's grip tighter. "Hey that hurt!"

"Sorry, Harr. But seriously, you need to sleep," Louis got serious and dragged Harry to the bed. "Lay." He wouldn't budge so Lou had to push him down onto the mattress. Harry laid there for a few seconds until Lou turned around to clean up the junk food wrappers. He got up and ran towards the bathroom.

"Try and get me!" Harry taunted his best friend. Louis groaned. He hates it when he does this crap. Don't get him wrong he loves Harry, it's the things he does - like this for example- gets on his nerves. He doesn't know Harry does it, but he wishes he didn't. He prefers shy, cute, and quiet Harry. Not bouncing off the walls Harry.

Harry isn't usually like this. Just only when he has too much sugar. Behind closed doors, he's calm but very flirty and makes a lot of sexual innuendos that make Lou blushed but he knows its just playful.

Louis knocked on the bathroom door, "Harry, come out," he heard him giggle on the other side.

"You want me to come out again? Everyone knows I'm already pansexual!" Harry whined. Louis rolled his eyes.

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