P1harmony Soul - Stalker

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Soul's POV~

Trigger warning: Cursing, Panic attack, Minor mentions of blood, somewhat graphic description of an injury but it's like a line at most.

fan meetings have always been my favorite type of event that we do since we debuted. To me, nothing is more fun than seeing our fans in front of us and being able to interact with them. It always brings a strange kind of pride me whenever a fan praises my dancing skills or my personality, Even tho my Korean is not good, I can understand it better now but It always warms my heart whenever someone tries to speak to me in Japanese, Even a simple 'hello' in Japanese can make my heart flatter and make me bring into an uncontrollable smile.

"We are here boys, Let's go," Our manager said, putting a stop to the van. 

We started to exit the van but as soon as I got out I was hit by the cold air that chilled my bare hands. I shivered a little before putting my hands inside my jacket's pockets. we started walking to the back door but the closer we got closer, the more we could hear cheers from the front gate.

"Ah~, Can't wait to meet our fans after so long," Intak said, jumping occasionally, which made me giggle softly.

We reached the building in no time, we were led through white halls before we reached backstage where a small stage was placed in front of us. it was only 2 meters high with some stairs to its side. a long table was already set and the staff were putting chairs for us and the fans.

"Come on, the makeup artists are waiting," Our manager said before leading us to another room filled with mirrors and chairs and another small coach at the corner.

"Alright, Intak-ssi, Keeho-ssi, and Jiung-ssi will do their makeup and hair first and then the rest will be after, meanwhile the ones who aren't doing their makeup, can go and change at the back," A stylist said leading Intak, Keeho, and Jiung towards the front of the room where three chairs were set in front of a big mirror and then handed us our outfits. I quickly thanked the stylist before heading towards the back of the room where 3 small fitting rooms were located. 

It didn't take me long to put my outfit on as it was simple and didn't have any tricky zippers or straps that I needed to be careful about. Once I made sure my outfit was neat and put on my shoes, I stepped out of the changing room handing my clothes to our manager who put them in separate bags with everyone's name on his bag. Jongseob was already sitting on the couch with his headphones on so I just walked towards him before throwing myself on the couch beside him. I closed my eyes and positioned myself so that I was curled up with my knees almost touching my chest. I felt my body relax and I started to feel myself falling asleep but before I could I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. At first, I was going to ignore it but it kept vibrating so I decided to take a look in case something was wrong. When I took my phone out, I was surprised to see over 7 messages from an unknown number. At first, I thought it was spam or a prank as those were very common nowadays but I then saw my name in the last sent messages and decided to open it. If it was a prank or spam then I would simply just block the number.

           ---7 New Unread Messages---

"- Hey baby, how are you?
- it's been so long since I last saw you.
-I can't wait to see you again today.
-last time we couldn't talk because of that stupid manager but don't worry today I will make sure no one can disturb us.
- I brought you a very cute present with me.
- I can't wait to give it to you in a few minutes my love.
-I am sure you're gonna love it so much.
- I gotta go now, see you in a few minutes, Soul baby <3

When I was done reading the message, I felt a shiver of fear through my body. What do they mean they will make sure nobody disturbs us? And why do they call me baby? Why do they talk to me like we are very close? Is it a sasaeng? Or a psychopath? Or maybe some obsessed fan? Or it can simply be an overexcited fan that somehow managed to get my number but I don't think that makes it any better. Or it could be-

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