ATEEZ Wooyoung - Fever

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Trigger Warnings : Fainting, Mentions of blood

Wooyoung's POV~
comeback season is always hard, too many dance practices to perfect the choreography, too many vocal practices to make sure our voices won't crack during high notes, and too many fitting sessions to make sure our outfits are perfect and ready for the comeback and it doesn't stop there, there're also comeback shows and talk shows to promote the song and so many endless things so when I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck and my body was drenched in a cold sweat, I wasn't shocked. when one spends hours dancing and singing with little to no break, it is bound to happen at some point. when I looked at the digital clock, it showed that it was 7:30 which meant time to get up if I wanted to have enough time to eat. when I tried to get up I was hit with a heavy dizzy spell that I almost fell back on the bed but instead, I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing. eventually, the dizziness vanished leaving behind a dull headache behind my eyes. it took me a while to get out of bed but eventually, I managed to sit uptight on the edge of the bed. I groaned when I felt the sharp ache in my bones as my body moved to get up. when I finally managed to stand up, my legs felt wobbly and before I knew it, I was on the ground hitting my head on the hard floor which made the dull ache behind my eyes way worse than before.

"ahh, shit" I cursed, trying to get but my arms and legs refused to cooperate. my headache was starting to be a migraine and my body felt like it was held down by rocks. When I was about to just give up and stay where I was, I heard footsteps outside my door before the familiar voice of Hongjoong blasted through the hallway.

'Wooyoung-ah, get up. We can't be late today, we have to finalize the choreography with our BBT Hyungs. I am telling you now, if we got scolded cause we were late because of you, you will be visiting my room" he shouted from outside my door which made me wince I held my hand up to press against my forehead hoping to ease the pain a bit.

"Wooyoung-ah, if you don't get up right now, I will come inside and drag you outside myself," He said again but this time he knocked on my door. I took a deep breath trying to make my voice as normal as possible.

"I'm up, hyung. I will be out s-soon" I said with the loudest voice I could master with my current condition.

"You better be," he said before I heard his footsteps walk away. He sounded frustrated and stressed but it wasn't anything new as he tends to be like this before comebacks.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and forcing my body to move. It took me a while to stand up straight again but when I did, I didn't waste any more time before taking my towel and making my way towards the bathroom. My body groaned and cracked as I moved but I forced myself to keep walking, I had no idea how I would dance like this but I had to. I can't mess up today's practice just because of some light fever and body ache, not when everyone is tired yet still dances without complaining and it's already hard enough with 7 members so I can't add to their already filled plate. When I reached the bathroom, I decided a hot shower would help with the body and muscle ache so with that plan in mind, I brushed my teeth and took a quick hot shower which did help with the muscle pain but it didn't help with the fever as by the time I finished and dressed up, I felt my body overheating like it was on fire. I pulled the sweeter's neck down and tried to fan my face with my hand but instead of feeling better, I felt goosebumps rise along my neck. I was debating about what should I do when I heard my name being called from the kitchen so I simply washed my face with cold water before exiting the bathroom and walking towards the kitchen. Jongho was already dressed and eating a Samgyetang soup.

"You okay?" I asked, pointing at the soup

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I just used my vocals a lot yesterday so my throat is a little strained so I asked Seonghwa hyung to make me some samgyetang soup to keep my throat warm," He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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