What now?

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You looked outside the window.
The yet so beautiful sunset you had when you drove here vanished, now it's just darkness.

"Where are we going?" You asked and looked at him. His eyes looked empty. He was right next to you but he wasn't really there.

"Suga?" You asked again.

"What? Sorry darling I... I was distracted" he looked at the road again. It looked like he was overthinking about something, that's why you didn't repeat your question.

You continued to look at the road. You drove through an empty area on an empty road surrounded by forest.

It reminded you of the ride when Suga first kidnapped you, you were also driving trough a similar area without an idea where you are going.

But this time it's different. This time Suga doesn't have a proper plan. He doesn't know where to go and where to stay. It happened so quickly, he had no time to plan.

Also, this time you are not just going somewhere, you are escaping.

After another 40 minutes, Suga stopped at an little hut. It was in the middle of an forest, it didn't even have a proper drive way and it was way smaller than his grandfathers house.

"Welcome home darling" he said and opened your door.

"Where are we?" You looked at the hut. It was small, but it looked like you could actually live there. It looked like on of these homes where people live that decided to cut themself off from society.

"This is an old hut, it belonged to me and my grandfather. We will stay here tonight"

"You got out of the car. It was extremely dark and the forest looked extremely scary.

"Don't be scared darling, we will find something for tomorrow, it's okay" he put you into a hug.

You knew it was the only option, so you nodded and accepted it. You left your clothes and bags in the car and you followed Suga to the hut.

He opened the door and you saw a small bed, chair and window. It was really simple and old, but it was better than nothing.

"Darling, it's late, it was a long ride, come sleep" he said and cleaned the bed. It was a small wooden bed, it had bedsheets with brown teddys on.

"Was this your bed?" You asked. A little smile formed on his face. He nodded.

"Now go and sleep, tomorrow will be a long day" he sat you on the bed and covered you with the blanket.

"But-" you stuttered. You didn't want to be here alone.

"I will smoke outside and then I will come as well, don't worry" he gave you a tired smile. His eyes still looked empty. You didn't want to argue with him, that why you did what he said. As soon as he was outside, your eyes got really tired and you fell asleep after two seconds.

1:36 am
You were sleeping peacefully and you faced the wall while you did. Suddenly, you opened your eyes. You smelled smoke, was something burning? Fire?

You immediately turned around to see the window. Not only did you see the window, you also saw Suga sitting on the window frame.

He was smoking a cigarette while looking out the window, the moon shined in his face and trough the window.

"Suga?" You asked.

He turned around, he didn't expect you to be awake. He looked into your eyes, it was dark but the moon was shining so bright. You saw his eyes, he looked like he was about to break down crying. Dark circles were under his eyes.

"Darling, you aren't sleeping" he said and put away his cigarette.

"Neither do you" you got up and walked over to him.

You put his head into your chest and stroked his hair.
"Suga let me help you"

"Darling it's nothing, I just have some sleeping troubles that's all-"

"No Suga you don't. I have never seen you like this, I know this is traumatic but please let me know how I can help you, speak to me"

"(Y/n) I... I..." he stuttered. You hugged him closer.

"Fuck. I can't sleep, I can't concentrate, I can't think properly. All I see is Daichi... and his blood... and-" he cried out.

"It's okay Suga, calm down" you wiped his tears away.

"I've been trying not to get in trouble but I've got a war on my mind (1). I don't know how I can handle this (y/n), I killed my best friend. I am a murderer" he hugged you closer and cried.

"It happened so fast, I couldn't do anything else. I did it for us, you know? I did it so we can keep living together, keep loving each other"

"Suga Suga, calm down, I know you did it for us. There was no other way. All you did was self defense. You are not a murderer, you did it for us" you stroke his head.

He was shaking. You have never seen him like that, so broken and fragile.

"I don't think I can do this (y/n), I am weak, I messed up"

"No you are not. Suga, this is life, not heaven. You don't have to be perfect (2)"

A short moment of silence.

"Suga we will start again. We have each other, remember? That's the most important"

He looked up to you. "I remember" he said and smiled a little.

You sat next to him, and grabbed his face.

"Suga we can do it, you have me, I have you. We go trough everything together, we are a team"

He nodded. "You are right darling, oh god.. I can't believe I cried... I never cried in front of someone"

You wiped down the remaining tears on his cheek.

"Let's go back to bed"

You headed to bed and lied down. Suga cuddled into your chest as you hold him tight to you. He drifted away shortly after closing his eyes.

This time you were the one with sleeping troubles. His words really touched you.
You looked at the ceiling.

What now?
You managed to cheer him up, but now you couldn't stop overthinking.
You kept thinking.
Why is it, that you can always help other, but you can't help yourself?
Or do you help others, because you can't help yourself?
Either way sucks.

You looked at him, he was still sleeping peacefully.
His arms tight around your waist, his grey hair falling over his eyes.

Now it's just us, me and Suga. Nothing else.
Nothing to loose, yet nothing to gain.

That sounds miserable. Is this freedom? Are we free?

In a strange way we were free. We'd reached the end of the line. We had nothing more to lose. Our privacy, our liberty, our dignity: all of this was gone and we were stripped down to the bare bones of our selves (3).

Well, if that is what it takes to start something new, we are ready.
We have each other, that's the most important.

With that thought you closed your eyes and drifted away shortly after.

Authors note:
(1) Lana Del Ray "Ride"
(2) Movie "Gia"
(3) Movie "Girls Interrupted"

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