(out of) ordinary

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Your life continued. The new city became ordinary, it's fascinating but nothing new anymore.

Suga was working, so was you, you got used to it and now it felt like you haven't done anything else before.

The job was hard sometimes, but it made you appreciate your free time even more. Especially the free time you spend with suga.

Your  relationship was like always, harmonic, ordinary, and never boring. You had deep-talks, sex, rooftop dates, you ordered pizza, you went on walks.

You genuinely enjoyed life and it's challenges and you were ready for more.

Well, that was your life three weeks ago.
Till everything took a drastic turn and nothing was normal anymore, and nothing will be.

Three weeks before
Police station pov

„Hey, isn't it Daichis first day after his vacation today? Where is he?" a tall blonde man asked.

„I don't know, maybe he has a hangover" a green haired man answered and chuckled.

„This isn't funny, Yamaguchi" he frowned and fixed his glasses, "it's inappropriate not to go to work without calling in sick or telling anyone you are absent  that day"

„Sorry Tsukki" he said ashamed and took out his phone, „I'll call him"


"I am sorry, but this user is unavailable to be called"

Call ended automatically

"Uhmmm Tsukki... did you hear-"

"I heard that.Weird..."

He frowned and fixed his glasses again.

"Do you think this is normal? Maybe his phone is just turned off"

"No it can't be. This message only appears when the phone is completely out of service or when the ID is token out"

"Why would he do that? Or was it an accident?"

"Hmm.. I don't want to make false accusations but it's possible that he might broke his phone or it got stolen... it's most likely that the one who stole it took out the ID as well so they remain unidentified"

Yamaguchi nodded. "Yeah"

Tsukki returned to his computer.

"Oi Tsukki, I can pass by his house and check if he is there after my shift"

"You really wanna do that? Good, thank you Yama" he smirked.

Work continued till it was 3 pm. "Alright, I am gonna go now, see you later, don't work too long" Yamaguchi said as he packed his things.

"I won't, see you"

Yamaguchi took his jacket and made his way to the car, he drive about 6 minutes till he stopped in front of Daichis door. Some cars were already parked in front of his apartment, but he wasn't sure if one of them belonged to Daichi.

Him and Daichi weren't really close anymore, they two went to the same school and now they are working together, but he never visited him after work. It was more like a casual relationship, the only real friend he had was Tsukki, he was also close to Hinata but they didn't see each other often since he moved out of Japan.

He stood in front of the apartment complex. It was a typical apartment with 15 other neighbors, all of their names were written on the doorbell. He looked at them and read.


Yeah, that's it.

Now it was his first time ringing at his door. He felt kind of nervous, visiting him privately felt wrong in some kind.


No answer.


The door suddenly went open. Yamaguchi instantly stepped back, almost tripping over the stairs.

"Wow, wow... didn't mean to scare you" a young blonde women said.

"Ahaha, I didn't- I mean.. you didn't scare me- I was just-"

"You were just?" She stepped closer with a big smile.

"I was looking for your neighbor, Daichi Sumawara, have you seen him?"

"Oh, yeah he life's here. But I haven't seen him in a while. The last time I saw him was around two weeks ago. I heard he went on vacation, but I haven't seen him today"

"Oh... I see... do you know... if... uhm... do you know if he had enemies? Or arguments going on?"

"Do you mean-"

"I don't want to make false assumptions, but maybe he is in danger. He is a police officer, maybe someone wanted to take revenge or... or did something else..."

"I don't know if he had enemies but I did see him in a wine store two weeks ago. I think it was a present for someone. He used his car but I didn't see him afterwards. I don't know if he visited someone, but he didn't come home after that"

"Well that's interesting... did he had a bag with him? Or were there any bags and luggages in the car?"

"I'm sorry but I don't know"

Yamaguchis eyes lit up. Now things seemed to make sense. He just needed to investigate more on that...

"Well thank you Miss, you helped a lot, have a nice day" he said and rushed to his car. I have to get home and tell Tsukki about it.

He started driving till he got home. Tsukki and him bought a home together last year, a small house near the city. His car was already parked in the front yard.

"Tsukki, I am home" he shouted.

"Welcome home" he heard a voice from the living room.

Yamaguchi took off his coat and got inside, he hugged tsukki, who was sitting at the table with his computer, and got on the couch.

"And? How was it?"

"He wasn't there. But I met his neighbor..."

He told Tsukki about everything. Then Tsukki got up and got next to Yamaguchi.

"Isn't that weird?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Hmhm... but maybe it's true. Maybe he already packed all his things in his car, visited a friend and went on vacation without returning back home?.."

"Who would do that. I don't know... I don't believe that. His shopping trip seemed so spontaneous... I don't think he went directly to vacation afterwards..."

"Maybe he got the wine for himself and-"

"He doesn't drink"

"He doesn't?" Tsukki raised his eyebrows.

"No, he has to stay in good shape for his job, therefore he decided to cut out alcohol, even on his birthday when Suga got him the most exclusive wine-" he stopped.

"That's it" Yamaguchi jumped. "The wine was for Suga... "

"Yama, don't you think-"

"No I am sure, 100%. When there is someone who is really into wine, then it's Suga, everyone was always into beer or hard drinks, except for him, don't you remember?"

"Hmm" Tsukki fixed his glasses. "It does make sense... Sugas birthday was recently... you are probably right Yama, good job"

Yamaguchi smiled. He loved Tsukkis validation.

"Come, I made you dinner" Tsukki said and got up. He got two plates and filled them with sweet potatoes, vegetables and grilled Tofu. As an dessert, they had Strawberry Shortcake. They continued their evening till it was time to go to bed.

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