bbqrils calm dowb

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Lucas: Billy is being racist smh

Max: That is true

Billy: No its not and how many times do i have to say stop hanging out with him

Lucas: Its because im black

Will: guys mike called me a slur and now Johnathan is talking to us about how its not okay to call people that but hes high and its worse

Mike: Please help, hes now yelling at us to get off our phones

Steve: Just punch him

Argyle: My dude thats not how you handle byers, give him some palm tree delight

Will: And make him more high?

Argyle: yeah little byers


Steve: Im coming

Billy: I did not hit him

Max: yes he did Lucas is sobbing

Mike: Joyce just came home with el and saw Johnathan smoking...🙉


Max: he hit you two times

Lucas: and those two times hurt

Billy: I only hit him once

Steve: you admited it

Lucas: This is child abuse, he is trying to bribe me. But i wont let him im gonna stand up take my people with me together we are going to our brand new home

Erica: ur wack

Lucas: Erica

Erica: Just the facts, and no i will not let you be great

Lucas: lets see if you help me get an apartment

Erica: I didnt wanna help anyways

Max: your getting an apartment?

Lucas: Nope

Erica: keep lying your gonna burn up

Lucas: Erica let me be great

Erica: no, and bye nerds

Max: Lucas your getting an apartment?

Mike: You didnt know?

Will: she didnt know cause it was a surprise

Max: Ohhh, okay im gonna forget now

Lucas: bbgs why'd you do this to me

Mike: I thought she knew

Will: no idiot it was a surprise and techically it was erica who said something

Lucas: oh

Max: 😊 nice surprise lukey

Lucas: ☺😚 i know maxypad

Dustin: ew

Lucas: dont be homophobic

El: what does homophobic mean i forgot

(A/n rq i was gonna remove this part cause it didnt make sense hut then rember how i hc max)

Max: you dont like someone cause they like or date the same gender and sometimes your even scared of them

El: mike is homophobic

Mike: this is so not cool, i got over my homophobia

Nance: I remeber that like it was yesterday

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