Gah daum

171 6 2

B4 we start id like to thank my wonderful brother for helping me think of something cause he oddly speicalizes(i didnt spell it right?) in byler angst, he feeds me ideas and i write but half the time i just thinl of random things with help from him hes basically the beta tester but reader of the book im gonna stop typing now well not really but yk also this is mainly mike centered cause we love mike

Tw: Homophobia(ted)

Ty toby. oh btw this wont really be like the other chapters?

Ted walked into Mikes room "Yes? Im also assuming my door doesnt exsist" Mike asked looking at him "Its my house and who are you on the phone with" Ted asked looking at mike "Will, why?" Mike said looking back and focusing on his work

"You've been on the phone with him for a week straight are you a bunch of queers or something?" Ted asked

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, i wouldnt want my son being a queer"

Mike looked back at him "And if i was?" Mike said "I would disown you, and make you break up with him" Ted said looking at Mike "Will i'll call you back" Mike said grabbing his phone "You can come to my house if you want to" Will said "Yeah okay, bye talk to you later" Mike said "Text me later", Will said that and mike nodded and hung up

"Break up with him"


"You heard me"

"Since when did you come to the conclusion im gay"

"Do you think im stupid Micheal?"


"Now call him and break up with him or else i will do it for you"

"No, and dont come near me"

Ted walked over to him and snatched Mikes phone

"Give me my phone back, Mrs. And Mr. Hopper wont like this call very much"

"Who said i was gonna call them?"

"He is going to tell them and they wont like it very much"

"Well they dont have to like my call. And you are breaking up with him right now"

"You cannoy force me or make that choice for me, Human rights exsist for a reason"

"You break up with him or i break your phone"

"No you asshole, this ridiculos give me my phone back"

"Who pays for your phone?"

"This is an invasion of my privacy"

" I could care less, your going to call him and you will break up"

"How will mom feel about this, and no we wont"

"Im sure she wont care"

"Im sure she would care if her son is happy or not, she was the one who had to knock some sense in your head and convince you i wasnt gay in the first place"

"Well im gonna knock some sense in your head today, you cannot be gay under my roof"

"If your making me breakup with him then why kick me out again?"

"If you break up with him you stay, if you dont you will get kicked out"


"Call him and break up with him or else your on the streets with nothing but your wallet"

"So your just gonna throw me out? Did those 17 years of you being a so called parent mean nothing just because im gay?"

"Didnt you used to get bullied for being gay? Im doing whats best for you back in my day you would get beat up for being gay and its just morally wrong"

"So your just gonna throw me out with just my wallet?"


"Give me my phone"

"Ill be watching you" He handed him his phone hesitanly, Mike snatched it like Ted did to him, he called Will

"Hi mike" Will said

"Yeah uhm we have to break up"


"My dad said that being gay is morally wrong and is making me break up with you or else im for the streets"

"Oh my god. EL COME HERE, its okay text me later"

"I will bye see you tomorrow"

Mike hung up and set his phone down


"Block him"


"I did what you asked me to i broke up with him now you want me to block him?"


"If mom heard about this she would slap you"

Karen walked in the house and came upstairs

"Hey whats going on?"

"He's not gonna talk to me like that mom hes like in his fiftys and acting like a bitch"

"What happend?"

Mike walked over to his mom

"He threatend to kick me out if i didnt break up with will"

"Mike call him back and get back with him and Ted stop being an asshole and just accept your son for who he is if he wants to date boys he can date boys"

"there will be no queer under my roof"

"Nancy's been under your roof for a very long time, and shes kissed robin infront of you, you haven't told her anything"

"Because girls can date girls boys just cant date boys"

Mike called will

"Hi mike" El said while holding Wills phone

"Hi el, wheres will?"

"Shitting is what he told me"

"Shit talking or just plain out shitting?"

"Shit talking"

"El, whos that?" Will asked

"Mike" El said handing Will his phone

"Wanna get back together it was a false alarm"


"Also can i come to your house my elders are arguing"

"Yeah you can come"

"Thank you" Mike hung up and grabbed his wallet, and walked out his room


Hi ppl theres obvi gonna be a part two on this its just ljke 2 in the morning rn and i just wrote all of that but i will make a get to know me chapter sometime soon cause i feel ljke i atleast have to let you know somethings about me yk?
975 words

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