New years - 50th chapter

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Hiiiiiiiiiiii ik this chapter is very overdue cause it's past new years but I'll try to be more consistent with my books I've just been so focused on my application for something and I forgot to write so here it is
3rd person

All the kids(including the older ones who were technically adults now) were sitting in the Wheeler basement

"Wait, did someone order pizza" Nancy said looking at them

"Argyle went to go get pizza" Steve said

"Speak of the devil" Eddie said as Argyle walked down the stairs with about six boxes of pizza

"Theres more upstairs, but I got pepperoni, cheese, mushroom and spinach, and three meat" Argyle said placing the Pizza down and then going upstairs to get the rest

"Dustin" Lucas said with a 'what the fuck' tone "What?"

"Really?" Lucas said looking at Dustin

"Atleast I wasn't mushrooms and peppers like the last time" Mike said throwing someone back at El

"The pizza wasn't even that bad, plus spinach and mushroom pizza is good" Max said grabbing her phone

"Shut up max you don't count" Mike said looking at her then looking back at El

El threw the ball at him hitting his face accidentally on purpose

"Ow!" Mike exclaiming throwing the ball back at El but then hitting Will

"Sorry Will" Mike said getting up and grabbing the ball

Argyle came downstairs with more pizza

"Is there more stuff?" Robin asked looking at Argylr

"Oh yeah man there's lots of stuff"

"We have wings, some soda and chips and that fake sparkling shit" Argyle said

"Did you say wings?" Mike said looking at Argyle with his eyes lit up

"Yeah man" Argyle said

Lucas sighed loudly and tried to hide under the cover before Dustin yanked it off of him

"If we have to suffer you have to suffer" Dustin said attempting to pull Lucas back up but failing miserably

"Bro where the hell is Erica" Lucas said looking around the room

"She called us boring and went to sleep, she's right there" Mike said pointing to Erica who wasn't even sleep

"Pointing is rude" Erica said slapping his hand away

"Hitting people is rude" Mike argued back, Erica stared at him like a mom who's kid just said something smart

"Okay" Mike mumbled looking away

"Yeah look away nigga" Lucas said having Mike just glare at him

Mike moved his leg putting his foot on Lucas

Lucas picked up his foot and gave it a kiss causing Mike to scream

"Are you kids okay?" Karen said cok8jg downstairs with some drinks helping Argyle

"No, mom he kissed my foot" Mike said pointing to Lucas who was still holding Mike foot

"No I wont" Lucas said fasty dropping Mike's foot

"Well, Mike and Nancy me and your dad are leaving be safe and don't trash the house" Karen said placing the drinks down along with the cups

"Okay mom, love you" Nancy said as her mom walked back up the stairs closing the basement door

"What movie should we watch" Nancy said grabbing for the remote but Mike had it

"Mike" Nancy scoffed looking at Mike who was smiling at her with the remote

"OH MY GOD GUYS ITS ALMOST NEW YEARS!" Lucas screamed in excitement

"You act like your gonna grow a beard and a inch taller" Erica said sitting up

"Cause I am your just a hater" Lucas said Stroking

(shut up mike; btw my brother changed his preferred name so now it's Mike)

his nonexistent beard earning a slap from Erica

Mike put on Hamilton and then looked at Will who just layed down and put a pillow on his face regretting not brining his headphones

"Whats wrong Will?" Mike asked knowing what was wrong

"Your playing that disgusting stupid musical" Will said his voice sounded muffled from the pillow

"I'm breaking up with you" Mike said turning his head away

"Fine, but don't get clingy later cause you brought then upon yourself" Will said

"When have I ever done that?" Mike asked

"So you see.." Lucas started

"Shut up lucas" Erica said interrupting him he looked at her and she looked at him

"Okay" he mumbled looking away

- time skipp-

Mike was eating chicken his face was close to the plate as he was fastly devouring the chicken

He sucked and slurped and growled and barked at whoever tried to take it away

By the time he was finished everyone was looking at him with a concerned look

"Your face is so sausy" Dustin said grabbing like fifty million napkins and handing them to Mike who wiped his face

- another time skip -

"5...4...3...2..1..HAPPY NEW YEARS" They all yelled

Dustins stomach made an odd sound Lucas looked at them

"Oh shit" Dustin said before they let out the loudest fart known to man kind and the smelliest one

Everyone I'm the room groaned in disgust and covered their nose

"Lord have mercy!" Erica yelled

"Henderson did you shit your pants!?" Steve asked

"No i didn't shit my pants I jist had too much diary today" Dustin said

Dustin pulled out their phone recording a video

They held up a peace sign "First big fart of 2023" Dustin said

(Yes this is modern au)

Mike hit them making then drop their phone.

Best way to start the year.


Also what did you think abt this chapter would you like to see more like these??

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