Time With Dio

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Dio's p.o.v

It was currently the middle of the week and the trio had decided to go their separate ways for once.

Killua went into town to find something sweet to eat I believe.

And Gon went off with Jojo to go play with that mangy mutt Danny.

As for (Y/n), I believe she is somewhere within the mansion but I do not know where. Trying to track her down is near to impossible since she always seems to pop up and disappear out of thin air.

But there was something that Killua said that was still stuck in the back of my mind.


Why did he refer to (Y/n) as a spider?

"Are you just going to stand in front of the books all day or are you actually going to pick one to read?" The familiar voice of the female startles me as I jump a little before my attention turns to her to see that she has plenty books in her possession.

"I am starting to believe that you like scaring people for the fun of it. Care to tell me why you have so many books? Do you plan to read them all?" I ask curiously since reading books was a hobby of mine and all of the books she currently had in her possession were ones that I have read well at least two of them were, the one at the bottom I was unfamiliar with. It did not even seem to have a title.

"I have already read the books Dio. I am simply doing the act of returning them to the library incase anyone else wants to read them. What about you? I would say you were looking for a book earlier, but with that look on your face it seemed like you were thinking of something else. Care to enlighten me?" (Y/n) asks me rather seriously which takes me by surprise as she puts the books back without a care in the world except for the one without a title as I look to her confused.

"Uh, I suppose so. Killua referred to you as a spider, why is that?" I ask curiously as I grab a random book and watch her walk over to the couch as she grabs a book on the way signaling for me to sit across from her as I do so wondering what her answer is, but still on edge since she most definitely proved a threat.

"One could say it has to do with family. My brother is very feared where we are from and is the boss of a group of thieves and murders. In order to actually be associated with this group you must have a specific group you must have a tattoo of a spider with twelve legs, one head, and their number in the middle. However an exception was made for me since my brother wanted me to eventually take over but not have a number yet so I could still be associated with them. He put the tattoo that was on his forehead in the spider, a reversed cross in red. He did it when I was still very little that I have no memory of it. I was raised by that entire group growing up. That is why Killua calls me a spider sometimes, since I am the little boss of a group of spiders." (Y/n) states matter of factly as a big chill runs down my spine.

"A g-group of thieves and m-murderers? H-how-"

"Dio, I am not going to try and beat around the bush or try to lie, even though that is very easy. If you are afraid of me I can tolerate that, but if you wish to be my friend I can more than respect that. Killua and Gon both know what I have told you, that is why I respect them so much and we have a stronger bond in friendship since they do not judge how I was raised and I do not judge them either. Fearing someone is easy, but trying to understand them and not judging is what gets you respect. I understand that you came from a poor life before you came to the Joestar house, and that you want the fortune, but a word of advice from a murderer and thief, if you have a chance at something you have never had before, give it a shot first before you try to ruin it." (Y/n) states softly while she starts reading a book that she grabbed not even looking up at me for my reaction.

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