The Big Fight

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Max and Eleven have gotten into a fight about a week ago. They have never fought before but this fight was a big one. At some point Max kicked El out of the house. El left while sobbing. She went to her parents' house.

"Hey mom" El said looking down. "Hey sweetie. What's wrong?" Joyce asked. She puts her fingers under El's chin and puts her head up gently. "Sweetheart, why are you crying?" Joyce asked. "M-Max and I-I got into a b-big fight today and sh-she kicked m-me out" El said as she burst into tears again. "Oh sweetheart, come here" Joyce said. She pulled her into a warm motherly hug. She rubbed El's back gently and slowly.

She let El in since it was freezing outside. "Hey Joyce, who's here?" Hopper asked from the living room. "El" Joyce said. "Hey kiddo. What's wrong?" Hopper asked as El came over. She dived into his arms and sobbed onto his chest. "Her and Max got into a big fight and Max kicked her out. I've never seen her this heartbroken" Joyce said. "It's okay kid, it'll be okay" Hopper calmed his crying daughter down. "I'm gonna go to my room" El said. "Okay. And if you need anyone to make you feel better, auntie Jo is here with the baby" Joyce said. El looked at her, her eyes sparkling with joy after Joyce mentioned the baby.

El ran upstairs and knocked on the door gently. "Come in" Aunt Jo said. El opened the door slowly and walked in, closing it behind her. "Hey sweetheart" Auntie Jo said. "Hey" El said sadly. "El what's wrong?" The aunt asked. "Max and I got in a fight and she kicked me out" El explained for the third time. "Aww sweetheart. I know what'll make you feel better" the aunt said. "What is it?" El asked. "This baby" auntie Jo said, taking the baby out of her crib and giving it to El. "Hey Hazel" El said softly.

El played with the baby but suddenly she started crying. "Oh no she's hungry" Jo said. "Bottle or breastfeeding?" El asked. "Bottle" Jo said.

El forgot that Jo didn't know about her powers and used them to get the baby's bottle from the vanity. "El? How'd you do that?" Jo asked. "Oh, uh, it's a long story" El said. After she explained the aunt looked stunned. "Wow, that's, idk what to say" Jo said.

After two days of El and Max not talking to each other, El got depressed and didn't eat anymore. She would either stay in bed or play with the baby.

~Time skip~
One stormy night, a week after the fight, El was home alone since Joyce and Hopper went on a date and her aunt had something to do and Will was at Mike's. El sat in her bed, shaking in fear at each clap of thunder. Suddenly the baby started crying and she screamed cuz she got startled. She sighed and got out of bed to Jo's room. "Hey baby" El said. She picked the baby up and started rocking her gently.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's only thunder" El tried to calm the baby down. She went downstairs with the baby in her hands and prepared her bottle. She sat down on the couch and fed the little baby. She got flashbacks of when her and Max fed the baby while they cuddled on the couch. She started sobbing quietly.

Suddenly she heard the front door unlock and someone came in. She thought it was Joyce and Hopper coming back home, but she was wrong. She heard a female voice that she missed dearly. "El?" The female voice said. El started crying even more. The mysterious female came over to her and took the baby from El's arms, putting her aside. She pulled the crying girl up and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's okay, I'm here now" Max said, rubbing the girl's back. "I missed you so much. Never leave me again, plz" El cried.

"I'm sorry, it was so wrong of me to kick you out. I said that out of anger and I didn't mean to kick you out. Plz forgive me El. I promise I'll never do that again. I can't live without you. And when Mike told me how you've been holding up, I felt so bad. I didn't mean for this to happen. And when the storm started and I realized how bad the thunder was, I knew I needed to come over. I'm here now and I'll never leave. Plz forgive me" Max said. "I forgive you" El said softly. They both sit down on the couch and cuddle as Max feeds the baby. El fell asleep on Max.

Max pulls El away from her gently and goes to put the baby to bed. She comes back down and picks El up and takes her to her room. She sets her down on the bed and climbs under the covers. All of the sudden a loud clap of thunder lit up the sky, making El and the baby start crying. El started shaking. "Shh El, I'm here, I'm here" Max says. "Just give me a second" she said. She got up and went to Jo's room. She picked up the baby and rocked her gently. After the baby fell asleep, Max took her to El's room and set her aside on her little baby swing. She made it vibrate and rock gently up and down and side to side. The baby slept in peace.

Max slips under the covers, and with another clap of thunder, El starts shaking again. "Shh, I'm here, you're safe, there's no lab, no papa, nothing. Only you, me and the baby" Max calmed El down. "Come here" she said. El dived into Max' arms and instantly starts feeling safe. (They are sleeping in the same position as this pic)

 (They are sleeping in the same position as this pic)

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And this is what the baby looks like

And this is what the baby looks like

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