Part 1 Chapter 2: The Figure

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*Not Edited
New Cast:
Mr.Sandman-Pete Wentz

After moving Donnie to his tent, The Doctor made his way returning to Folie's trailer, but as he walked across the circus grounds, he spotted a figure talking to Boss. He decided he didn't have the energy to introduce himself to this new arrival, so he continued on trudging across the dusty dirt floor of the grounds and hope that the figure was an up-and-coming performer, and that he could actually be an improvement, since Benzedrine still wasn't aware of what Donnie the Catcher was bringing to the table performance-wise other than the baseball bat he carried.


The Doctor napped for a few hours and awoke with a near pitch-black sky dotted with stars outside his tent. He couldn't seem to get himself to fall into sleep again so he took walked around the circus grounds. and he did it again. And again. and again.

After he lost count of times he silently slugged around the circle of the circus grounds, (which he personally felt was just disappointment, resent, and hopelessness gilded to look and feel like happiness with bright colors and stage makeup) he realized that he never really cared about the shows or the fans or traveling. He just needed to get through life pretending. because if he couldn't make himself happy, he could just pretend. he knew that performance really only meant faking, acting.....

After realizing the existential crisis he had been pulling himself into, Benzedrine finally sat up off the pole he had been resting against. He looked around to see if anyone had been watching him, and once more to make sure, but the second time his eyes scanned the inner grounds he saw the figure that had earlier been talking to Boss. The silhouette seemed to slowly be pulling up his head to gaze at The Doctor, and The Doctor watched as the figure slowly scanned the grounds as he had done previously. The Doctor stayed almost perfectly still, head towards the figure with eyes locked on him tracking his movements. It was hard to tell through a silhouette, but Benzedrine believed that the figure was staring back.

After a long moment of sharing glares, the figure shifted his body towards The Doctor and started slowly sneaking in his direction. Through the dark Benzedrine could make out a long cape draped down the figure's back that seemed to have feathers (spikes perhaps?) embellishing the collar that made Benzedrine think of Dracula. The figure kept eye contact with The Doctor, although it wasn't an intimidating stare it still made Benzedrine uncomfortable. As if the mind to match the figure knew something he didn't. The Doctor straightened his posture and lifted his back from off the pole from which he had started leaning on again. The silhouette seemed to stop as a reaction to The Doctor's movement, which only after did it seem to tilt its head and continue slower than before.

Finally, The Doctor spoke up. "Who are you?"

The moonlight shone on the figure's face, revealing his medium complexion and soft features. there was darkness under his eyes and Benzedrine, being surrounded by performers his entire life, couldn't tell if it was eye bags or eyeliner.

The figure seemed to have scrunched his face in bewilderment. Almost as if he didn't understand what had been asked.

After asking the question again more calmly with still no reply, Benzedrine's expression probably nearly matched that of the figure. "Can I at least ask what you're doing here?" Benzedrine then asked, trying to get even a peep out of him.

"Right now I'm just looking at all the pretty sights, and you're now on the list." a smirk widened on the figure's face as his eyes scanned up and down Dr.Benzedrine, resulting in a slap to his left cheek.

"Cut your shit and tell me what you're doing here." Benzedrine's eyes became just thin slits as he stared intently at the man's now petrified face.

"Mr-uh-Mr Sandman" His voice quivered as he answered to The Doctor. "I'm a new recruit to your freak show you've got here" Sandman said that more sternly sprinkled with intimidation.



"The show I run here is not of freaks, it's performers. Its a circus."

Mr.Sandman twisted his face with some form of annoyance, he waited a moment before replying again. "But aren't there suitehearts? As in we fuck some freaks for their stay?"

"It's more metaphoric than that." Benzedrine stepped his foot between Sandman's to get the fucker to listen.

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