chapter 3

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Currently in the gusu.

"Wangji." Lan xichen called.

"Yes, xiongdi?" Lan wangji asked.

I forgot what lan wangji call lan xichen-

"Who was the person who brought you here yesterday? " lan xichen asked.

"I.. Don't know, I only know his hands was warm and his voice was cold and blunt. I couldn't describe how he looks like.. " lan wangji replied.

"It's fine, you don't need to describe it. " lan xichen said, he smiled.

"Now come on, it's time for dinner. " lan xichen said, he grabbed lan wangji's small hands.

Lan wangji nods.

As they went to the dinner room, lan xichen feeds lan wangji.

But suddenly lan wangji felt dizzy, and sick. Lan wangji bumped his head on the table while revealing some blood coming out of his mouth.

Lan xichen and lan qiren were astonished. "Wangji! " lan qiren shouted.


"How is he? " lan xichen asked.

"His condition is bad, I suppose that someone put poison on his food but i could not describe it. "

"In order to get him back to his position, you must need to find the magician who destroyed gusu. "

"Wei wuxian?! Why do we need him?! " lan qiren shouted in disbelief.

"He is good at medical, plus I think he will be perfect at healing him. "

Lan qiren hated him for destroying gusu, he saw gusu in despair, broken, destroyed ever since he was 9.

He grind his teeth hardly. "Fine! " lan qiren shouted and left the room.

"Sorry about that, shufu just hated him. " lan xichen said, the doctor smiled.

"It's fine, I experienced that too. "

The doctor also left the room. 'I wonder how we will be finding him.. 'Lan xichen thought.

Lan xichen was worried that his brother might not be healed in the right time.


A magician came inside his room and kneels. "My Lord, lan wangji is injured. Lan qiren suggested you to heal him before-. "

The magician was cut off. "I knew that, I will be healing him when the people in gusu is asleep. " Wei wuxian said.

"You are dismissed. " wei wuxian said, he grabs a book he was looking for.

"Yes my Lord. "

The magician disappeared.

Wei wuxian sighed. 'This is my first time I would be healing someone. 'Wei wuxian thought.

9:30 pm.

Wei wuxian teleported into his room. 'His so cute, probably one of the most cutest little child. 'Wei wuxian thought.

He smiled. He puts his hand on his forehead. ' Предложих ти да излекуваш това бедно момче, нека има голям късмет! Не го разболявай завинаги, не го карай да изпитва болка! Остави го да живее спокойно.' Wei wuxian thought.

Y'all don't try to translate just think of it some kind of summoning thing or something.

The healing worked, Wei wuxian smiled gently and kissed his forehead. 'See you soon, lan wangji. 'Wei wuxian thought.

And btw Wei wuxian is not a pedophile, it's his future soulmate.

Wei wuxian disappeared.

Next morning.

Lan wangji woke up early in the 5:00 am. Lan wangji put his hand on his forehead to check if his still sick.

Lan xichen opened the door, he looks worried. "Wangji, are you comfortable? " lan xichen asked, lan wangji nods.

Lan xichen smiled. "I'm glad. " lan xichen said.

The doctor came inside. "Excuse, I'm going to check him. "

Lan xichen moved and the doctor walked passed. She checked the temperature and it was shockingly that the temperature was normal meaning his healed.

"It seems like you were healed already, but we didn't get to see him. "

"I am healed? " lan wangji asked.

"Indeed you are. " lan xichen said while smiling.

'Thank you whoever the magician who used to burn gusu. 'Lan xichen thought.

A small chapter ik

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