Chapter 8

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Kenma's surgery lasted just over an hour.

One of the most nerve-wracking hours of Kuroo's life.

Kuroo sat outside of the operating room, bouncing his leg up and down nervously.

It was a simple surgery - just an operation to fix the bone placements in Kenma's knee that wouldn't otherwise be able to straighten themselves out on their own - but even still, anything could go wrong.

Doctor Takahashi walked out of the operating room, removing the gloves from his hands. Kuroo stood up, smiling as the doctor said:


Kenma was transferred to a room out of the Intensive Care Unit, no longer in need of the doctors to check on him multiple times a day.

Kuroo's heart soared at the sight of Kenma's smiling face back in the room. Kenma slept for most of what remained in the day, only remaining awake for the announcement that he would be discharged three days later.


Kenma checked out of the hospital early on Wednesday morning, eager to get out of to cooped-up room. Not as excited, though, for the long car ride ahead of him.

Kuroo continuously asked if there was anything he could do to help him as they slowly made their way to the car. Even though Kenma's surgery had only taken place a few days ago, he was able now to get around using crutches.

Kenma was exhausted by the time they reached the car. And though he would normally be stubborn about getting help with something like getting into a car, Kenma allowed Kuroo to help him into the passenger seat of the small car.

The first few hours of the car ride were relatively silent and Kenma had no objection to it. Kuroo had turned on music in the car and was softly humming the tune. Kenma had always pretended to hate Kuroo's taste in music, but sometimes Kenma secretly enjoyed the familiar tunes. Especially if Kuroo was singing along.

Kenma was glad that he had the lyrics of the music to distract himself from the anxiety bubbling inside him.

The last time he was in a car, he almost died. But Kenma knew that the chances of anything happening were close to nothing, plus, he trusted Kuroo. Kuroo wouldn't let anything happen to him.

Kenma's gaze shifted from the fast-moving trees outside the car window to Kuroo's hand that was now on top of his thigh. Kenma entwined their fingers as Kuroo gave his hand a quick squeeze.

"You're quiet. What's on your mind?" Kuroo asked without taking his eyes off the road in front of them. Kenma shook his head even though he knew Kuroo couldn't see it.

"Nothing," Kenma smiled. "Just enjoying your singing."

Kuroo laughed and Kenma raised an eyebrow in return. "Did you actually just compliment my singing instead of telling me to shut up? Did you hurt your head in the crash as well?"

No, but I did realize how much I've taken for granted.

Kenma just smirked and rolled his eyes. "Hmm... I'll answer 'maybe' to both of those."

Kuroo laughed, lifting Kenma's hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss against his knuckles, before returning both of his hands to the wheel.


The pair arrived back at their small apartment around four in the afternoon. It took a while to unpack their car, even though they barely had anything.

Kuroo had stopped at the hotel Kenma had been staying at to pick up his luggage on the way home. Kenma did his best to help unpack it, but there was only so much he could do while on crutches.

Exhausted after they finished, Kenma collapsed onto their couch, sighing at the scent of his home. It was much better than the sterile smell that emanated from every corner of the hospital.

Kuroo sat down next to Kenma but almost stood immediately back up after checking the time on his phone. "It's already 5:30, I should start making something for dinner." Kenma hadn't eaten since breakfast, and he hadn't realized how hungry he was till Kuroo mentioned something about it.

Kuroo stood and walked over to the fridge in their kitchen. He opened the stainless steel doors and sighed. "We have...butter... and... soda?" Kuroo turned to look at Kenma. "Can I interest you in a plate of butter and soda?"

"If you want me to end up with high cholesterol, then absolutely," Kenma smirked with a sarcastic tone.

Kuroo closed the fridge and walked back over to the couch. "I'll just order a pizza."

Kenma nodded and grabbed his PSP from the end table beside him. Praying it wasn't dead, Kenma turned on the device and grinned when the screen became illuminated. Kenma was distracted by his game until he felt Kuroo's arms wrap around his waist. Kenma groaned, trying to pry the larger male off of him while at the same time trying to beat the level of his game.

"C'mon, Kuro, I'm tryna play," Kenma groaned.

Kuroo just smiled. "But you're a good pillow," he whined, laying his head on Kenma's lap. Kenma sighed a returned to his game. Kuroo wasn't hurting him in any way, so Kenma didn't see the need to waste any more energy trying to push him off.

Kenma's legs had fallen asleep by the time a small knock could be heard from their door. Kenma tried to shake his legs back awake after Kuroo got off to go retrieve the dinner, but only ended up wincing from the pain that came from his knees, screaming at him to stop moving.

Sighing, Kenma obeyed their wishes and waited for Kuroo to return to the living room.

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