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when we got there,i could hear donna yell for clara to get up from the swings as she walked towards us,mostly looking at finney. i scanned the park, noticing robin sitting on a bench,clenching his fists.
d-,,hi!'' donna greets all of us,opening her arms for me and gwen to hug her.
g-,,hi, donna!'' she speaks,looking at finney.
l-,,hi!'' i chuckle. donna looks at finn just standing there,a little smirk forming on her lips.
d-,,hi finney'' he looked surprised but yet happy.
f-,,uh hi!''
d-,,come on guys,lets go get clara and robin''
we nod our heads in response,entering the park behind donna guiding us to the place robin and clara where at. i wasn t paying attention to the ground. my head was up,admiring the sky. without realising,i tripped over something that looked like a rock and i fell on my stomach.
g-,,oh my god!'' gwen exclaimed,coming down at my height so she can help me up.
f-,,oh no,luna'' he says almost laughing before helping me up. donna turns around,looking at me,putting her hand over her mouth in shock.
d-,,are you okay?!'' finney and gwen help me up as i run my fingers over my shirt that was now full of dirt. thats not a good way to start the day. as if things couldn t get worse,i see clara and robin coming up to us.
c-,,are you okay,luna?did you get hurt?'' i just look at her,keeping quiet,embarassed.
l-,,yeah. i mean my shirt is all dirty now but besides that,im fine?''
g-,,are you sure? i can clean you up if you have any cuts'' she says,pulling out her bag a black bottle of water.
l-,,no,gwen,its fine. im okay i dont have anything''
r-,,well it kind of looks like you have something here....a little dirt'' he laughs,pointing to my shirt
i roll my eyes,not wanting to create a scene.
f-,,its fine luna,yoi can barely see it''
d-,,yeah!'' she agrees with finney's statement.
r-,,buddy,dont lie to her. she look AWFUL'' he exclaims,almost spitting the last word.
c-,,robin,don t be mean. luna its fine,really. you can t even see it! don t mind robin''
l-,,thanks but i wasn t planning on giving a fuck about him anyways.''
r-,,your expresion says otherwise. it honestly looks like you wish you would start an argument but you just know you will loose''
l-,,don t challenge me. im smart enough to not waste my time on you''
f-,,guys,stop it. don t fight''
g-,,come one luna,lets go to the lake. donna,clara,are you guys coming?'' she says in a hurry,getting a grip of my arm,leaving with donna and clara behind us.
f-,,what was that,robin? why couldn t you shut up?''
r-,,man,you wanted me to lie to her? you know im an honest person.''
f-,,brutally honest one.'' he gives robin a dirty look
,,just please be more kind to her. she is a really nice person actually and she is also my friend''
r-,,i never said she wasn t ,its just my way of socialising''
f-,,you never socialise with me or gwen like that?''
he remains silent.
f-,,its doesnt matter,just try apologising to her. she has been throught a lot.''
r-,,thats not an excuse for that behaviour''
f-,,robin,after your dad passed away you were the same. even now you still get into fights and are considered the toughest boy in school. if you try speaking to her,you guys may have a lot in common''
r-,,i doubt that. but i will apologise,see what is going to turn out''
f-,,thanks man! '' he sounded relieved.
f-,,lets go to the lake now. there,you can pull her aside and apologise.''
r-,,i hate this so much''
he mumbles,as the boys walk away, going to the lake.

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