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You grabbed the plates from the table before you nodded at the couple at the mini-table.

"Thanks you two. I'll grab these for ya, then be right back with the check." You tucked the plates between your hips and pranced down the aisle, back behind the dim-lit counter. You snuck one last look at the teenagers in their seats, observing as the guy with sandy hair says something to the woman across from him. She smirked and looked down into her lap, and you watched as he teasingly returned the lady's expression. 

You turned around and tossed the plates into the sink before giving a soft smile to your coworker at the grill. She beamed as she flipped another pancake. You crossed your arms and glanced at the clock, seeing it read three-thirty. You took in another sweep of the place. It seemed like it was always dead around this time.

Your posture straightened upon hearing the bell above the door let out a mere ding! You grabbed the notepad out of the work-apron you had been wearing and strutted back into the aisle-way of the bar and tables. You fruitlessly snatched the menus that had been waiting on the register's counter, holding them tightly to your chest as you prepared yourself.

"Welcome in, take a seat wherever you'd like." You looked up from the menus you had been holding and grinned. "Charlie! Get in here, your table's right here, open like usual."

"Hey there," Charlie greeted softly as he stepped in. He stood and held the door open, patiently waiting as Billy rolled his way through the door. Billy's face seemed to light up upon seeing your own.

"Heeeey, (Name)! Glad to see you here."

"Here Billy, let me help you out. You mind holding these for me?" You rushed over to where the man in the cowboy hat was and quickly placed yourself behind him. You neatly stacked the menus into his lap as you grabbed hold of the wheelchair.

"Ready?" He nodded before you started pushing him forwards, feeling your strides for a moment before seating him at the table in the corner. You knew that he and Charlie were going to pick this table.

"I'll be back with your friends," you joked before lightly patting his shoulder. He snickered at your comment and grabbed your own hand in his before you could leave, keeping it for a second before he released you. You smiled softly at your friend and he only returned it.

You turned and trotted back to where Charlie stood, silently waiting as you watched someone else follow him in. She seems young, you couldn't help but think to yourself. She turned her head before locking eyes with you and seemed to toss a half-hearted smile. You swallowed softly and tried to turn back to the more familiar face.

"You guys wanna follow me over here?" You motioned over to where you had just been and Charlie only nodded in response. You led the both of them back to where Billy had been and grabbed the menus back from Billy. "And these are for you guys."

"I don't think we'll be needing those," you watched as Charlie slid his jacket off and placed it on top of the chair, "but thank you. Billy and I will get the usual and Bells here will just have a cobbler if you don't mind." His head turned to look at the seated woman. "Bells? Any cobbler?"

Her eyes flicked up to Charlie before up to you. She shook her head.

"Sure." Then she looked down. "Thanks."

You bit your lip and glanced at Charlie. He quickly shared eye-contact before nodding and looking at the table. "All right. Just some cobbler then."

"Billy? Any two cents from you?" Charlie and Billy both chuckled.

"Not this time. What he said." He pointed at Charlie and patted a hand onto his shoulder. Charlie laughed and grabbed his friend's hand as Billy went to playfully grab him. They scuffled for a moment before they stopped, realizing where they were, and letting out their own small belly-laughs. You grabbed the notepad from your side apron and frivolously began to write down what Charlie requested for the two of them. Two medium-rare steaks, two black coffees, and two small Boston Cremes.

Two Edges of One Sword (Carlisle Cullen/Reader/Charlie Swan)Where stories live. Discover now