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Carlisle doesn't say anything when the police cruiser rolls up the hill. The intense night air coolly rests on your skin, and you shudder and wrap your arms around yourself. Your eyes watched as the headlights poked in-between the clouds of fog that had rested on the ground as it crawled closer and closer. Finally the car reaches the heart of the driveway, and the engine impedes itself.

You internally winced when the driver door opened and out stepped Charlie himself. You couldn't help but feel as if you were imposing on him, asking a favor like this one. It was one thing asking Billy; he had been a family friend to you and your Mom for years (and partially the only reason you knew Charlie in the first place). It was a whole other when it came to asking Charlie himself.

Charlie's face doesn't move and for a moment, he doesn't say anything, his eyes only switching between you and Dr. Cullen a couple of times. After a few seconds, he clears his throat, "Someone call a taxi?"

A grin and a giggle escapes your lips before you can catch it. Maybe not so bad after all. You open your mouth to say something but Dr. Cullen beats you to the punch, instead taking a step forward and slapping a hand on Charlie's shoulder.

"It's good to see you, Chief. What brings you?" His face beams to the cop, yet Charlie doesn't seem to return it.

"Billy Black called me down at the station saying (Name) here needed a lift home." Charlie's eyes flick in your direction for a moment as he gestures to you. "Billy can't drive at the moment so," he rests his hands on his hips, "guess you could say he called in a solid."

"I see," Carlisle looks down and finally removes his hand from Charlie, "I suppose I should let you two get to it then."

You perk up when Dr. Cullen turns and takes a few steps towards you. He looks down for a moment before he looks back up and flashes a small smile. "It seems that this is where we part ways for now."

You look at Charlie before looking back to Carlisle. "I guess so. I'll be seeing you soon...?"

He chuckles and goes, "Yes, I'm sure you will."

You couldn't help your own tiny smile crawling on your face and you too looked down. "Thanks Dr. Cullen, really. You might've saved my life."

"Your hand," his face drops for a moment when he suddenly grabs your bandaged hand. You snap out of it and remember, that's right, your fuck-up from work earlier today. "Did this happen earlier?"

"Yes, I mean," wait, not when you were mugged, "not exactly, sorry," you quickly snatched your hand back from his grasp, surprised he had even grabbed it in the first place, "it was a work accident. Accidentally sliced my hand open like a lamb." You shuddered out a nervous laugh.

Dr. Cullen stares, his eyes nearly unmoving, then clears his throat and takes a step back. "Well then, I won't keep you any longer," his head turns to Charlie, "Chief, I'll be seeing you," then back to you, "and I'll see you as well, (Name)."

His head bows in your direction and you bring a hand to your chest, almost a little flattered at the gesture. You lightly return it, body tilting towards the ground, and your face lightly beaming. Dr. Cullen rises, before disappearing into the house shortly thereafter. 

You watch the front door shut behind him before finally facing Charlie. His hands are on his hips, and he isn't smiling, but strangely he doesn't seem bothered.

"It's good to see you, (Name)," Charlie almost murmurs. "You look... well."

You try not to slyly smirk at his remark. You had clearly seen better days. "You too, Charlie, I'm sorry for calling you out here so late."

Two Edges of One Sword (Carlisle Cullen/Reader/Charlie Swan)Where stories live. Discover now