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Air seethed through your teeth when you looked down at the IV tucked under bandages into your hand. One of your hands flies to your face to shield your eyes from the bright LED lights and you hum a tiny groan.

It was not pleasant being back here again.

One of the nurses that had been coming in and out of your room had told you that resting with the lights out wasn't an option, not until they could properly diagnose whether or not you had a concussion. It had been hours now, and a part of you just wanted to get up and turn them off yourself at this point, but the weakness in your body surged through you as if it were electricity. Frustration bounced around in your brain at the thought of being in the hospital again, except before where you sat on a check-up chair, now you laid in a bed. All you could do was just lie there and wait for the doctor to come in and do his damn job.

You perk up when you hear the sound of a knock on the door, only to sink into your spot when it's just the nurse again.

"Hi there," she chirps, "we've got dinner here for ya."

She walks backwards for a moment before a small cart follows her in, a small meal-tray resting on its top. Your eyebrows raise at the sight of the food as your stomach instinctively lets out a growl.

"Er... thank you." You finally say. She pushes the cart towards your direction before parking it right in front of the bed. She leans over your figure for a moment before she whips the mini-table attached to the bed in front of you, finally placing the tray on it and giving you a small spoon. You sit up and grab the utensil, analyzing what she had brought. A small bowl of fruit, some chicken noodle soup, and two boxes of juice.

"Nutritious and sure to help get some of that strength of yours back. Hope you enjoy," she purrs as she turns around to check the IV still pumping into you. You squirm a little and push a spoonful of fruit in your mouth before lightly covering it with your hand.

"Do you happen to know when the doctor will be here?"

"Oh, I'm not sure sweetie. It's getting late, you might not even be able to see him until tomorrow." You grimace at her answer, picking at your soup.

A feeling of surprise surges through the room when the door opens again, and a familiar face greets yours. The nurse smiles.

"Ah, speak of the devil, and he shall appear."

"Evening Nurse," Dr. Cullen hummed. In his hands you spot a clipboard with different sets of papers neatly stacked atop each other. He clicks a pen in his hand and rests it on the countertop.

"I'll leave you two alone in that case. Buzz if you need anything else, dear." She points to a button on your bed before slowly turning and exiting, the click of the door echoing in the room as it shut behind her. Dr. Cullen eyes meet yours once again as a small smirk crawls onto his face.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say this isn't our first time meeting today." He smiles at his own joke and half-heartedly places the clipboard on the countertop in the corner of the room before strutting to the side of your bed. Now he towers over you, his white-coated waist directly in front of your nose, and you find yourself almost wanting to shrink in his presence. A scowl crawls onto your face and you look down.

"Feels like I've seen you almost everyday since we've met." You murmur. Your ears pick up on his chuckle as he reaches to a bottle of sanitizer and pumps it into his hands.

"Then I'd say that circumstance has an interesting sense of humor." He waltzes to the foot of your bed and takes a seat. "So then tell me, (Name). What brings you in this time?"

Two Edges of One Sword (Carlisle Cullen/Reader/Charlie Swan)Where stories live. Discover now