Chapter 8

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Thea couldn't believe that the time had gone by so fast. She had the team ready to go. They had all been going out in the field for a while, even using Ollie and Sara's suits every once in a while to make sure that people wouldn't get suspicious when Ollie arrived and the Green Arrow showed up around the same time.

Thea was now waiting up in her room just like she had in the last timeline. She heard the doors of the mansion open and she could hear her brother talking to her mom, Walter, and Raisa. This was around the time that she came out of her room in the last timeline, so she exited her room and shut the door.

Once she made her way to the steps she saw her brother. He looked so young now. Not as weathered as he did when she saw him last. Hopefully she could help with that this time around by keeping some of the stress off of him.

"Hey Sis." Oliver said, looking up at her and smiling.

"I knew you were alive." Thea said as she threw herself into her brother's arms and they both hugged.

"You were with me the whole time." Oliver said as he pulled back from the hug.

Everything was going well for now. They were told that Tommy would be joining them for dinner. Thea knew better than to have feelings for her other brother this time around. She also knew that she was going to find a way to keep him alive this time around as well.

The dinner went well and everyone had a good time catching up. Once the dinner was over and Oliver and Tommy had set up plans for the next day, Tommy left. Now it was time for the siblings to hang out and get back to the way things were in the old timeline. Thea wasn't going to be a pain in Oliver's ass like she was last time. She was going to support him and also be there for him when he needed her. She couldn't exactly blame herself for the way she reacted to Oliver the last time around because it wasn't like she knew what he was really doing like she did this time.

It was soon time to go to bed and Thea knew that she had to go to school tomorrow. She knew that while Oliver was out on his tour with Tommy, they would stop by Verdant. He would be surprised to see that everything was already to go. Once he was brought back to life, he could open his club and he would already have his bunker ready to go as well.

The next morning, Oliver was up early and eating his breakfast so that he was ready for Tommy. Once the two were off, Diggle came to pick her up and take her to school.

"So, how were things with your brother last night?" Diggle asked.

"Everything was great. It is good to have him back. I will meet him at the bunker tonight, so you don't have to come if you don't want to. It might take me a while to explain everything to him." Thea said.

"That's fine. I don't want to get in the way." Diggle said and Thea nodded.

The day went by really slowly. She couldn't wait to see her brother again this afternoon. She had been devastated when she found out that Ollie actually did die during Crisis like he said that he would. Now she had him back and she wasn't going to waste this second chance with him.

The day was finally over and she was headed to Verdant. When she arrived she saw that Oliver was already there. He wasn't in the bunker yet, but he was looking around the club impressed by what he saw. He turned around when the door opened and he saw his sister smiling at him.

"Thea, I don't get it. How did you know that I was going to want to start a club?" Oliver asked.

"I will explain everything to you when we get downstairs. I don't want anyone overhearing what I have to say." Thea said and Oliver nodded as the siblings went to the door that led down to the bunker.

"Do you know the code?" Oliver asked.

"You do too." Thea said and Oliver pushed in a date that came to mind and he happened to be right.

Once they went downstairs and turned the lights on, Oliver was once again surprised by what he saw. The bunker was all set up and had everything in it that he could ever want. He noticed the amount of suits on display and he looked back at his sister.

"What is going on here, Speedy?" Oliver asked.

"You probably will want to sit down for this." Thea said and Oliver and she went to sit down so that she could explain everything.

"This is going to sound really weird Ollie, but I am from eight years in the future. I know everything about what you are planning to do for the city. Everything always worked better when you had a team in the future, so I went on and started assembling a team. All of us but one were part of the team at one point in time in the future, except for one. You will get to meet everyone tomorrow night. I thought it would be easier to get everything out in the open with it being just you and me here." Thea said.

"That is not the weirdest thing I have ever heard, so I believe you. So, who is part of this team?" Oliver asked as he looked at the suits lined up in the display case.

"My suit is the blue one with the hood. I am known as Artemis. The black suit with the helmet is my bodyguard, Diggle. His codename is Spartan. The black suit with the blonde wig and mask is Laurel's. She is Black Canary. The red suit with the hood is Roy Harper. He is known as Arsenal. Our tech guy is Curtis Holt and our computer and comms person is Barbara Gordon.

"What about the white one with the blonde wig and mask?" Oliver asked.

Thea smiled at her brother and said, "That would be Sara's. She will be known as the White Canary. She will be back in about a year."

"Sara is alive? Where is she?" Oliver asked.

"Somewhere that we can't get to her right now. We have to wait for her to come to us, Ollie." Thea said and Oliver nodded his head, happy that his friend was still alive.

"Anything else that I should know about the future?" Oliver asked.

"Nothing that you have to know about right now. Let's do some training. I want to see how I match up against you now." Thea said with a smile.

"You're on Speedy." Oliver said as the two of them went to change and then sparred with each other for a while. The rest of the future could wait for a while.

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