Vol II: Finale Part 2 - Only To Fall

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TW: Violence/Gore/Insanity/Depression

Northern Mazea Continent

Ruby Empire Fort

Two Days Later...


How I despise coming back to the front. I have to deal with problems in a less civil manner than I prefer. I am the Emperor, at least... I think I am. I still have no clue whether I lost all my power or not. Those guards were very confusing, although I agreed with their ideology. I walked out onto the viewing platform, overlooking the lands to the south, hearing my men train behind me. Swords clashing, armor clanking, yelling, it all blends together under stress, doesn't it? It makes you realize that war is human nature, especially when those in charge think the only way to succeed is through force. Little do they know that diplomacy almost always lasts longer, hell, the Usurper's War should've reminded them of that, and Truder's Rebellion as of late even more so!

Off towards the horizon I look upon the mountains–or citadels, as I like to consider them–as they survey the land between them and me. Their majesty is often ignored, as their impenetrability is the only thing people care about. In times where people forget about peace, only knowing war, are the times we forget about the beauty around us. As I look to the lands below the citadels I notice a small dot on the horizon, dust clouding up behind it.

"Wait, what is that in the distance?!" I call out to my scouts in the higher towers as they hurriedly hold up their spyglasses to view it.

"Emperor! It has the flag of Mazea! It may be refugees!" one of them calls back to me, the other scout nodding in confirmation.


As the fort drew closer, I gave a nod to Crisp. "It is time. They must believe us if we are to survive." I call out to those in the attached cart in the back.

The soldiers nodded at my statement as they passed around the last of the rations we had. 'If we didn't have the slowdown going around the mountains we would have not had to cut these rations this close!'

I looked back, noticing no hint of smoke near the mountains as they retreated into the horizon. Hopefully the city is able to hold off until our return, whenever that is. I closed my eyes, looking back towards the Northern Fort as it drew closer, taking one last swallow. This might've been the wrong choice, but to survive the war, it was the only solution.


Central Mazea Continent

Downtown Mazea City

Truderian Partisan Forces






That is all that can be seen as I look upon the invaders, as they strike my comrades down, praising themselves for their kills.

Have they no honor?!

Have they no morals?!

What is it that they want?!

Why do they wish to exterminate us?! Aren't we people too? We are the few remaining after the Usurper's desolated this land we call home!

The fire... It is consuming everything- schools, the castle, even just the innocent houses aren't safe! They are torching it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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