Wake Up

157 13 6

Aarav POV

It would  cause suspicion if we all were absent from the party.So I sent the other guys to work.

Since I was the one who had to use the fingerprint scanner at the entrance of this party ,it won't be hard to verify.I asked Mr.Patel to send three guys to pretend to be the waiters who entered with me.

It didn't take long for the guards to notice that someone had hacked their security system and entered the secured area.

So the party was over earlier and the guests and workers were verified and sent out

"We're from Will's catering service",I said as I showed them a piece of paper that was given as a proof that we were indeed appointed for the job

"Put your finger here",the guard said as he showed me a fingerprint scanner.It gave a green sign

"Your document and fingerprint are verified,You can go",the guard said impatiently as he stated to verify the other people at the party

So we exited without any causing any suspicion

"I'm out",Sameer replied as he came through a different exit, dusting off himself

"Seriously?Not bad for a spy",I said mockingly

"A spy should definitely know how to use the vent",he joked

Then we saw Shiv exiting the mansion.But,Where is Veer?

He haven't spoken to us from when he gave us the signal.Is he trapped??.

All these thoughts were running through my mind

"Has anyone heard from Veer?",I asked worried.Just to see those two guys bawling their eyes out at something

Veer was coming out of the party with pretty girl.They were laughing and chatting.He really seemed like he forgot about us.

He waved her goodbye and was looking at the sky and smiling like a fool.Then his attention was finnally on us.

"Look who finally decided to see us",Shiv said making fun of him

"Ummm......Did you get the data?",Veer said as he changed the topic

"Yes and we better keep moving before any problem arises",Sameer said

We reached home to work on the data and ofcourse to get some rest.I went to fresh up myself

"Can we start working on the data?",I asked as I exited the bathroom.I turned around to see those three idiots sound asleep.

They were sleeping like little children who had enough for the day.

Shiv was hugging Veer.While Veer rested him leg on Sameer.It seemed kind of cute tho.So I took a pic of them

"Work can wait till morning ",I said as I locked the laptop in a safe.And I joined my Bros.Soon enough I dozed off to sleep


Shiv's POV

I was woken up by the rays of sunlight entering our room.I opened my eyes to find myself trapped between Veer and Aarav.

They were in a deep sleep.So they didn't notice that I was struggling to free myself.I finally got off the bed and went to check the time.It was 9

"Ohhh my godddd",I let out a loud scream.My scream made Sameer fall off the bed and he got into  defensive mode

"What?! What happened?",he asked confused

"The time is 9",I said pointing to the clock

"Did you scream that loud for that!?",he asked raising his eyebrows

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