Happy Birthday

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Sara's POV

Shreya dragged me hurriedly to the doorway

Ringing the bell,she gleamed happily for some unknown reason

The door swung open and the next thing I knew was that I heard a loud pop sound


A crowd shouted as confetti fell all over me

The room was filled with balloons and shined in golden lights

Taking in of what was happening,my heart certainly skipped a few beats
I felt everything at once as I felt as the star of my birthday party

The emotions included happy tears too

"This is just—",I struggled to put what I was feeling into words

"Thank you guys",I said wiping my tears

It's my time to smile and shine

Veer walked in with the birthday cake
He placed it on a table carefully and decorated it with candles

In the mean time,I was introduced to Aarav and Shiv by Shreya

And they further introduced me to Diya and Ishita.

Something told me they were all together

But this is too soon to conclude

"Nice to meet you Sara",Ishita said with a warm smile

"Yeah!!I've heard a lot about you from Veer",Diya said chuckling

"It's nice meeting you too.You guys are so cool",I smiled

"C'mon girls, it's time for the cake to be devoured",Shiv interrupted us

Veer held my hand,stopping me as I was about to cut the cake

"Wait....make a wish and blow the candles",he said smiling

I just gazed at him with a tint of adoration

And I made my secret wish

Yeah.....I won't tell

"Happy Birthday Sara",Veer whispered softly as I gave him the first bit of the cake.

"Let me snap it real quick!!",Aarav said holding a camera

I placed my hand on his shoulder.Our faces had the brightest smile

We looked at each other as he clicked a picture of us.

The party was just getting started

"This is so fun",I said as I danced my heart out to a song that was played.

Veer stood afar, glancing at the dancefloor

Or should I say me?

I walked over to him, urging him to join

After some hesitation,he finally agreed

"This is the best day of my life",I confessed,looking at him as we danced

"As it should be",he smiled

I glanced at our entwined hands

This feels weird

But somehow this is so amazing

"Are you friends taken?",I asked diverting the topic

"To be frank I don't know.They are just in the process I guess",he laughed

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