All is well, when it ends well

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autor note

we can say that i closed this jade chamber arc kinda different from the game yes
And now I'll have to get things out of my head here
Maybe it can end up distorting something
But I hope to do a good job

That's it, stay with the chapter
I'll tell you right now if there's something wrong
It's because sleep has already affected me

If I'm still excited later maybe there will be more chapter if not
I will try not to take so long

That's it
Happy reading ^-^


everything was going well

we deliver the missing things for the reconstruction of the jade chamber

But right after that

We climbed into the newly rebuilt chamber

And Ningguang began to prepare the ascension rite

Ningguang: The first time I climbed into the Jade Chamber, I stood on the edge, watching Liyue from a distance. I kept thinking that one day I would let the shadow cast by the Jade Chamber extend across all 7 nations. To this day, this desire of mine has never changed. But... this time, I restored the chamber not just for myself... I hope that the Jade Chamber can float in the sky of Liyue Harbor forever, witnessing the prosperity of the mortal world. And I would like all of you to witness this together with me. Let the ascension ceremony begin!

The iron bonds are released which causes it to shake a little and the Jade Chamber floats in the sky

While the Jade Chamber is floating, storms build up and a monster emerges from a vortex in the sea.

Ningguang: Just in time. "The Vortex Avenger", Beisht.

Lumine: Who is this?

Ningguang: Osial's wife. The last follower of the Vortex God.

Y/n: I think you knew this would happen...

Ningguang: Beidou felt that something was stirring in the depths. She warned me months ago.

Paimon: Now paimon understands

Soon the Jade Chamber launches projectiles at Beisht, followed by attacks from

Guizhong Ballista in the Stone Forest

Beisht roars and in that a giant tsunami is created

Lumine and I jumped out of the Jade Chamber and attacked Beisht

But I didn't expect it to emit a beam that ended up throwing me on a mountain, luckily lumine didn't suffer so much damage because he managed to make a slight deflection

Last thing I felt was someone holding me

And I went to wake up the sea was already calm and it seemed that the problem had been solved

Y/n: I really hit my head really hard ehn •says rubbing her head•

Paimon: glad you woke up y/n, we were worried about you unconscious

Lumine and Paimon told me everything that happened while I was unconscious.

Y/n: well it's good at least things are calmer now

As soon as I got up we went to talk to Ningguang and we found the redeemer of the clouds we also had a brief conversation and soon after we remembered the play that Yujing would present

As soon as we arrived we went to watch the play quickly.

And wow it was really amazing, Yunjin had a great talent

Yunjin: So, what did you think?

Personally, I think I did well, don't you?

Y/n: It was really lovely

Paimon: It was really beautiful! if you have the

opportunity, Paimon would also like to learn opera.

Shenhe: It was really beautiful... And... Thank you.

Yunjin: You're welcome! Thanks to you, "The Divine Maiden of Devastation" is finally complete.

Yunjin: Operas have their endings, but life doesn't. I believe you will integrate with Liyue one day.

Shenhe: Thank you. I think I found the opportunity I needed to change.

Zhu Tao: Ms. Yun, here you are! There is? This white haired girl looks very special, as if she were an Adeptus. Wait, you're the opera maiden, aren't you? And look who's here! The Illustrious (Traveler)! Hehe, it was worth coming here. I don't know if you guys mind if I sit here? So we can talk some more...

Shenhe: ...Or you can leave us alone, unless you prefer to finish your drink through your nose or somewhere else.

Paimon: Oh no, that's a familiar feeling! Shenhe returned to what it was before...

Lumine: Looks like it's still going to be a while...

Zhu Tao: Hey! What are you doing?!

Y/n: Shenhe, calm down!

After this little confusion we went back to talk to Yunjin and say goodbye too.

Paimon: What do we do now?...

Lumine: A light 3-day rest wouldn't hurt

Y/n: I think Shenhe is gone, and I agree, a little rest would do wonders

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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