
930 15 7

Name: Y/N ' Titan ' L/N

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 207cm (my actual height) or 6,7 in feet

Body: Muscular (because jim)

Likes: Flying, Jim, Basketball and shooting Enemys.

Dislikes: people

Doctors Note:
Due to the fact that that Titan lost his WSO in an trainings Mission he is cautios and cold towards most. But there a few exceptions like children and people with a warm Aura or thats what he told me at least. He can be Very aggressive even to his own Teammates. An example would be that after he lost his WSO or called Watcher and someone would talk about his death a little too loud he would beat them up and even when other Soldiers would Step in he would beat them up too, so be cautious when talking about Watcher.
Titans eyes are purple what makes them interesting some people would tell me that if you stare at them too long you would see things afterwards but I think that's a fairytale.
Still be cautious around Titan and even if he is tall, he is beatable, I would guess that this cold hard shell he is in, is only a brick wall. Maybe the right person could break it.

From Prof. Dr. Phil Davidson

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