Arc 3 Chapter 29: Black Horse

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3rd Person POV:

It was only silent for a few seconds though before they all went crazy with clapping and cheering, causing Asher to smile brightly.

<Damn, what was that song! So good>

<But it seems like he was hurt a lot by love... I kinda feel sorry for him>

<Do you really think so? It could be deliberate!>

<Shut up, upstairs. You don't know if it was. He's Harley's son. He's already got enough fans because of that, he doesn't need something like that!>

A discussion broke out online, while the cheering slowly calmed down again.

"Now, please vote if he should stay!", he said and the screen turned on. The votes immediately started shooting up.

The audience at the stage as well as the netizens who had their identity verified beforehand online could vote.

He ended up having the most people out of all the candidates voting for him to stay and so he was the black horse of the competition. That was how the first round ended.

To explain how this round worked: You sing and after every candidate, the people get to vote if he should leave or stay. The option with the most votes would win.

He felt a hot gaze on him before he left the stage and looked around, meeting ice blue eyes which were staring into his from the first row.

The gentle pull he felt on his soul made him smile gently. He couldn't really see what he looked like though. He discreetly winked at him before he left the stage, causing the other's heartbeat to accelerate.

'It's him I was searching, I'm sure of it!', the handsome man thought at that moment and smirked a bit. He stood up and left.

Asher went to get changed and his make-up removed. After that was done, he checked the guitarcase. After he and Pancake didn't find anything wrong, he put his guitar inside and went outside with it.

He took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. 'I'm glad he found me... He'll probably come to find me very soon', he thought and waited for his father with a good mood.

But he never expected him to come to him this soon. While he was waiting, his husband approached him. If he didn't know better, he would have found him suspicious as hell.

"Hello Mr. Hayes. Can we talk for a bit?", he asked while looking suspicious, causing Asher to laugh a bit.

"Normally, I wouldn't go with a person dressed as you are. But I'll make an exception.", he said with a smile after laughing. The handsome man blushed with slight embarrassment.

Asher took out his phone and wrote his father a message. "Okay. Where do you want to take me?", he now asked.

"A private restaurant directly next door. I want to take off this disguise and introduce myself.", he answered and lead the way. Asher followed behind him.

After they arrived in their room, he threw away everything that concealed his identity. He looked at Asher afterward and introduced himself. "My name is Fergus Huxley, the owner of Huxley Entertainment."

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Asher smiled. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name, as you already know, is Asher Hayes."

'If it was just my theory before, now I'm certain. He's always the Villain I have to save. But why? I know I'll know sooner or later, but I just can't help but wonder...'

They both sat down and Fergus started talking after looking at him for a few seconds and thinking about what to say. "I knew your mother a bit, since she helped me once when I was younger. So, when I heard your songs, I wanted to tell you somehow that I'll help you if you need it.."

Ashley continued smiling. 'Sorry my love, but he's already dead..', he thought sadly without showing his mood. "Well, if you want to help me, we could be friends. I don't have any and I always wanted one. I can help you as well, it wouldn't be one sided.. Nobody really knows, but I'm a pretty good hacker. I can get you any information you want. I could, for example, screen everybody close to you and tell you if any of them harbor malicious intentions."

Fergus was stunned a bit at first before laughing a bit. "Are you sure you can trust me with that information?", he asked seriously after he laughed.

"Yes", Asher answered equally serious, but smiled gently afterwards. "I don't really know why, but I trusted you the moment I saw you"

These words felt sweeter than honey for Fergus, who smiled after hearing his words. "Well... I'm happy to hear that."

"So, what do you think? Should I screen them? I could do that tonight if you want, we took our laptops with us.", he now continued the previous topic.

"Sure, I don't mind. It might actually save me a lot of trouble.", he answered. "Also, I would love to see just how good your hacking skills really are.", he added with a charming smile.

"Oh, in that case I'll try my best so as to not disappoint you, my..friend", he answered his statement and smiled back at him gently. 'Not good.. The words 'my love' almost left my mouth. I have to be careful..'

The man with the purple hair felt something missing from the statement of his friend, but he didn't know why or what it was, so he ignored it.

They didn't really order anything to eat, but they did drink a bit. Fergus insisted that he should pay, so Asher let him.

They both exchanged numbers and talked for a while longer. After about an hour, they both went their way.

Once Asher went into the hotel room, his father immediately started questioning him.

"I know you don't really have friends, so who were you with? I know I might annoy you with my question, but I don't want you to meet someone like that bastard again!", his father said right after he went inside. 'He almost destroyed you.. And I didn't realize.. I have to protect you..', he thought to himself.

"D-Dad, please calm down. It's just someone mom once helped, his name is Fergus.. He said that if I ever need anything, I should tell him and we even became friends...", he explained.

His father let out a sigh of relief. "I see, that's good.. Having friends will be good for you.", he said with a smile and petted his sons head.

"Dad.. I'll go and watch some videos. I need something to calm down a bit from all the excitement today", he said and hugged him.

"Okay, you go and do that, I'll give you some space.", he answered smiling and hugged him back.

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